What Are The Different Types Of Liposuction?

types of liposuctionWhen it comes to liposuction there are a few variations that you as a potential patient must be made aware of. Each of these variations is an option that may or may not be available to you depending on the circumstances of the procedure. In general, liposuction is used to remove the fate from any number of areas around your body.

Dr. Christine Lee and her team at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute offer different types of liposuction for Walnut Creek area patients. This "breakthrough" method involves injecting a mix of epinephrine, salt water, and local anesthetic to numb and prepare the treatment site. This tumescent solution firms up the areas to be treated, so Dr. Lee can more easily and precisely remove fat suctioned out through a skinny tube or cannula attached to a vacuum. Ultrasound or Laser-Assisted liposuction. These techniques use either ultrasonic or light-based energy to heat subcutaneous fat.

Liposuction has come a long way in the past decade. Now there are multiple liposuction types and techniques available to patients, three of which are currently offered by Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. They are traditional liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction (also known as VASER Hi-Def liposuction), and laser liposuction. To help you understand the different types, we offer a brief description of how each technique works.

At Myers Plastic Surgery in The Woodlands, we understand that looking your best is important to you. Liposuction is one of the cosmetic surgeries we offer that can help you to achieve your desired look. Performed with a thin cannula that is inserted through small incisions, liposuction sculpts areas of your body, removing unwanted fat.

PureLipo" is a safe and effective procedure using tumescent fluid for greater body sculpting results with fewer side effects than traditional liposuction. A very small cannula is inserted in tiny incisions allowing precise amounts of fat to be removed from any area of the body. The tumescent fluid anesthetizes the fat being removed, so there is no need for general anesthesia.

If you have stubborn areas of unwanted fat, liposuction in Chicago, IL is one way to get rid of them when diet and exercise alone just don’t seem to work. It is an outpatient procedure that serves to remove fat, contouring the area and making it more proportioned. Once the surgeon has carried out an evaluation to assess your overall health and determined you are suitable for the treatment, you can choose from the following types of lipo at the John Bull Center.

This form of liposuction uses a specialised cannula (tiny tube) that sends out ultrasonic vibrations that liquefy fat, making it easier to suction out. There are some serious possible complication with this technique, however, including death of skin cells. Small pockets of yellow fluid can also collect and need to be drained. PAL means the use of an oscillating cannula, which stops the need for the surgeon to use the back and forth motion with the cannula.

There is also a shorter recovery period with this technique. This technique has elements similar to traditional and ultrasonic liposuction. Cannulas are still used to break up the fatty deposits, but instead of used manual force or ultrasound energy, heat waves from a laser are directed from the end of the cannula tubes to melt the fat.

Laser-assisted liposuction, or SmartLipo, uses a laser to produce a burst of energy to liquefy the fat. How Long Is Recovery? This is performed in our AAAHC Accredited Outpatient Surgical Center. But you should expect bruising, swelling, and soreness for a few weeks. We require to wear a compression garment for a few months after surgery to control swelling. You'll also have to take some antibiotics to prevent infection. Most people can return to work within a few days and get back to normal activities within 2 weeks. But every person is different.

types of liposuction
Do you ever have trouble have trouble losing weight no matter how much you exercise and eat properly? Do you find yourself feeling frustrated with working so hard to see results, and getting nowhere? If you struggle with this issue, know that you are not alone. Many patients in The Woodlands have concerns with various areas of their bodies that they wish to fix. Many people simply focus on their stomach area when trying to enhance their bodies, but if you want to sculpt your body, liposuction is the way to enhance multiple areas at once.


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