Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) Recovery Time & Tips

tummy tuck recovery tipsFor the first three or four days, you want to sleep flexed at the waist. You can do this by sleeping on your back with your head and shoulders elevated and a pillow under you knees, or by sleeping on your side in a “fetal” position. Physical activity should be restricted for several weeks.

Most of the first 24-48 hours after surgery should be spent comfortably stretched out on a couch or bed, ideally lying on your back with a few pillows behind your head and one below your knees for optimal support. Despite the importance of rest, however, it is equally vital not to remain sedentary for overly extended periods of time, as doing so increases the possibility of blood clots developing in the legs or other body areas.

Washing your hair can be a nuisance when you’re in recovery, not to mention that lifting your arms to massage your scalp in the shower might be uncomfortable. Your body will be full of fluids for the first month or two after your surgery, and weighing yourself during this time can leave you feeling woefully discouraged.

Diets rich in vitamins A and C, which include meat, eggs, and leafy greens, will help fight off infections and promote healing. Stay away from salty foods that can cause you to feel bloated as well as foods that might cause gas, such as soda, beans, and cabbage. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery wants you to have a safe and comfortable tummy tuck recovery. And we will be with you every step of the way to ensure you have just that.

Ask your surgeon about stool softeners. Have pillows alongside you in bed, as well as to elevate your head and upper body. Side pillows can support your arms and help you to roll over on your stomach or side. Sleep on your back and keep your upper body elevated for at least 10 days.

Like most surgeries, abdominoplasty requires that patients take some downtime to allow their body to heal. However, downtime doesn’t have to be miserable. You could be surprised at how much of a difference these five unusual tips can make during your healing process. Dry shampoos can soak up oil, give your hair a volume boost and leave you smelling fresh and clean.

This way you needn’t worry about never-ending daily chores during your recovery period. This means you have to stock your freezer and keep a stock of takeout menus on hand so that you need not worry about cooking during your tummy tuck surgery recovery. Have a housekeeper help with household duties and ask friends or family to care for pets and children.

But you can lessen your risks by preparing for surgery as your doctor recommends and decreasing your exposure to germs and bacteria. Prevent constipation: You should be informed prior to surgery about any constipation that can be caused by your pain medication. You may even be advised to purchase an over-the-counter stool softener in anticipation of constipation after surgery.

Pain can be an ongoing issue because of the tightening of the abdominal musculature that occurs and also because these operations are commonly accompanied by some liposuction of the waistline on the sides and in the back. “Patients will typically have pain in the front and in the back of their torso, which makes it difficult to get comfortable.

tummy tuck recovery tips
It’s important to ease back into any exercise routines and be gentle with your body. During the first 2 weeks, only gentle walking is recommended, followed by light, low-impact aerobic exercise during weeks three and four. Regular fitness routines can usually be resumed at the eight-week mark. Advances in tummy tuck surgery mean that patients now have the option to forego drains. Drain-free tummy tucks relieve patients of the burden of caring for the drains and also allows them to shower sooner after surgery.


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