Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips Houston, TX

tummy tuck recovery tipsThose patients who are nutritionally optimized heal very quickly, their scars fade fast, and they fast track themselves to an outstanding result. Those patients who are nutritionally depleted definitely heal slower. It is commonly said that most Americans (despite no shortage of access to food) are under-nourished. Some feel the western diets lack important nutritional elements. We consider every patient for a special Enhanced Recovery Protocol. We encourage high protein intake and often recommend special nutritional support multi-vitamin packs to optimize your healing potential.

The tummy tuck is a quick procedure to help you get rid of some extra fat that’s sagging around your stomach, but a lot of people may feel uncomfortable about undergoing the operation. They may also be worried about the recovery process. All of this stems from lack of proper information about a tummy tuck, and this article aims to provide that much-needed info for you.

Asking for Help: During the first few days, you will need extra help from close friends and family. You will need assistance doing small tasks like getting up to go to the bathroom. Please do make sure to have one or more people committed to helping you after you get home. Recreational Activities: Avoid alcohol, smoking, and other recreational drugs during your recovery.

Since you should be avoiding heavy lifting and straining for at least four weeks after surgery, this fact can dictate when you decide to head back to work. If you primarily work at an office desk, you might feel ready to head back in a week, or at the most two. But, if your job involves physical activities, such as heavy lifting, lots of walking, and carrying loads, your surgeon may recommend taking even more time off.

You will have swelling, and it will last for weeks. You will be retaining water too, so not only will your jeans not fit right after surgery, your scale will be lying to you as well. 3. Recovery Takes Time, Seriously. Yes, some women get back to work in 2 weeks. Some women’s bodies snap back after pregnancy too. In a full abdominoplasty, your stomach muscles are tightened and any herniated muscles are put back in place - these are serious changes that will require time for your body to adapt.

People who get tummy tucks give the procedure and results a resounding thumbs up. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is the go-to surgery for individuals interested in getting rid of sagging, loose abdominal skin resulting from pregnancy or weight loss. There are several steps that tummy tuck patients can take for a faster, smoother recovery after surgery. Your compression garment is an important part of tummy tuck recovery. After surgery, it’s not uncommon for residual fluid to linger around the abdomen.

Dr. Fan’s patients often remark about his aesthetically beautiful and natural results. Also known for being brutally frank to patients, you can trust that Dr. Fan will always have your best interests at heart. A tummy tuck can dramatically restore a more youthful silhouette to your waist, but it's at the cost of a slightly difficult recovery for the first few days or weeks. Several activities will be restricted for the first few months too.

It will also help to ensure optimal results. Since walking can be tricky those first few days after surgery, you might also consider getting a cane or walker to help you get around the house. It can be difficult to stand up straight after a tummy tuck, since the abdominal area has just been tightened.

As important as exercise is for overall health and will be for maintaining your newly acquired figure, in the days following your surgery, it’s best to get a little taste of how the couch potatoes live. As time progresses, you may begin to resume normal activities, but listen to what your body is telling you.

tummy tuck recovery tips

If you’re planning for your own tummy tuck this spring, are you sure you’re ready to have the best recovery possible? It might have a nice, alliterative name that makes people think it’s nothing huge, but a tummy tuck is in fact a major surgical operation that deserves both respect and the time to heal.


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