Tummy Tuck Or Abdominoplasty Indianapolis, IN

tummy tuck or abdominoplastyThe skin is lifted to the level of the belly button and then redraped, the excess skin is then removed, and liposuction is used to sculpt the remainder of the abdomen. Abdominoplasty will leave a scar spanning the lower abdomen from hip to hip and a scar around the belly button.

FEELING LIKE IT’S TIME TO REIGN IN YOUR MIDSECTION? Dr. Alavi has performed over 1,000 Tummy Tuck Procedures. Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” is a major sugical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Before understanding what a ‘mini tummy tuck’ is, we have to know what does ‘tummy tuck’ means in the first place. Tummy tuck, or more scientifically called Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery method that is carried out to transform the human abdomen to a more thinner and firm one. It involves the elimination of surplus skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen that ultimately helps to tighten the fascia and muscle of the abdominal wall.

A complete abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) takes about 1 to 5 hours whereas a partial abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck can be carried out in just 1 to 2 hours. An incision that is from hip to hip just above the pubic region is made. A second incision is carried out to free the navel from the encircling skin.

Expect it to take nine months to a year before your scars flatten out and lighten in color. While they’ll never disappear completely, abdominal scars will not show under most clothing, even under bathing suits. Dr. Alavi has been chosen as one of America’s Top Physicians in cosmetic surgery by the Consumer’s Research Council of America for the past five years, and after your consultation, we are sure you’ll see why. Contact the Center for Cosmetic Surgery today to learn more about how Dr. Alavi and his staff can will guide you through the tummy tuck process.

You need to make sure that you have on hand any recommended products. For example, you might need to wear a support garment. You also need to be sure that you will have any prescriptions that you might need after the procedure. You will probably have a friend or family member drive you home after your procedure. That person might receive instructions to care for your dressings if you desire. You will have to give the doctor permission to give this person information regarding your care.

If your skin elasticity is good then you could possibly have liposuction and still have a baby after and save the tummy tuck for after your last child. The doctor you choose will likely want to check into your health and medication history to make sure there is nothing that would be detrimental if you had this surgery. Your choice of a surgeon is very important. You definitely will want someone who is competent in their field and is well-known for their ability.

Now, let’s completely turn our attention to mini tummy tuck and answer our real question, is mini tummy tuck worth it? Frequent side effects of this surgical procedure are numbness, swelling, and discomfort. The procedure may also carry the risks of long-lasting infection, bleeding, and numbness. The method is not a significant skin tightening procedure.

The skin flap is then stretched down and the extra skin is removed. A new hole is cut for your navel, which is then stitched in place. Finally, the incisions will be stitched, dressings will be applied, and a temporary tube may be inserted to drain excess fluid from the surgical site.

tummy tuck or abdominoplasty
You should expect to have incisions below your belly button during an abdominoplasty procedure. Sometimes the incisions are placed low enough so that the area can be covered with a bikini. The marks from the procedure can lighten over time. You can also ask your doctor about other topical products that you can place on the area to help lighten the marks. Ask your doctor to check the ingredients of any over-the-counter products that you decide to try. Some of the products might contain harmful ingredients, and your doctor can guide you in finding the right product for you.


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