Tips For A Smooth Tummy Tuck Recovery

tummy tuck recovery tipsIf there is excess weight to lose, patients should lose that weight with lifestyle, not with surgery. Doing so improves the body’s ability to heal optimally. 2 - Arrange more help than you think you’ll need. We’re just going to put it out there: you’re going to need help after abdominoplasty.

Following a tummy tuck procedure, you will feel tension and tightening in your abdominal muscles. This will cause discomfort when you’re in an upright position, and then produce strain in your back as you walk. Take advantage of a cane or a walker as you walk. This will take any pressure off of your back or in your abdomen.

“I recommend a normal diet beforehand. There should not be any significant attempts to lose weight immediately before surgery,” says board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Antonio Gayoso. “We also advise our patients to be off of medications and over-the-counter supplements that are blood thinners,” he notes. With all surgeries, there are risks.

Tummy tucks, or abdominoplasty, are performed on more than 125,000 American’s every year. This popular procedure offers an excellent solution to sagging abdominal tissue. Understandably, there are reasons to think long and hard before having a tummy tuck. While most patients say they are happy they had this body-contouring procedure, there is no sense in portraying recovery as easy.

If you quit smoking before your abdominoplasty surgery, please do not start again. Smoking hurts your circulation and interferes with healing. It can cause wound closure problems and necrosis (death) of skin cells and tissue. Keep moist towelettes near the bed so you can freshen up without much effort. Keep the phone turned off in your room.

However, if you feel there is too much pain or something doesn’t feel right, contact your doctor right away. Limit your recreational activities: You will have medications to help alleviate any pain you feel after surgery. Your surgeon will reiterate the fact that mixing alcohol, recreational drugs, and strong prescription pain medication should be avoided.

Take your temperature regularly! An elevated temperature could mean an infection. If you have been told to put cold compresses on your incision or on your abdomen by your surgeon, do so. You can use purchased cold packs or bags of frozen peas or berries. This helps the swelling and discomfort after tummy tuck.

Having someone available to assist you in getting out of bed, looking after children, making meals, showering, changing clothes, and performing other basic tasks/responsibilities will allow you to focus more on healing while providing peace of mind. Rest, walk, rest. A critical component of any healing process is ample rest, and recovery from abdominoplasty is no different.

So let’s avoid that, and take a look at some pre- and post-surgical steps you may be asked to take when undergoing an abdominoplasty. It takes a village, and with a tummy tuck that village will be populated by you and your board-certified plastic surgeon. A normal, healthy diet is typically recommended pre- and post-surgery, and if you’re thinking of trying to lose weight prior to surgery, let’s just nip that in the bud right now. What goes in must come out, except when it doesn’t. It’s important to stay regular after your tummy tuck procedure.

tummy tuck recovery tips
For our patients in Denver having a tummy tuck, the ease and comfort of the healing process can be largely dependent upon how well you prepare beforehand. Although you can only do so much to influence how fast your body heals, there are definitely steps you can take to make sure that your recovery is as smooth as possible.


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