Payment Options For Tummy Tuck Surgery

tummy tuck optionsBy undergoing a tummy tuck, patients will lose that loose skin that hangs in the lower portion of the stomach and will look trimmer and slimmer as a result. The average cost of a tummy tuck can actually vary based on a number of factors. Because of this, we don’t think that providing a general price range or an average national cost will accurately reflect the price of surgery and what impact that may or may not have on a patient.

In addition to loose, saggy skin, most people also have pockets of fat that don’t respond to exercise or dietary changes. Liposuction removes these pockets. Who says having a stomach pooch is a part of middle age? Let Dr. Frank tighten up your lower abdomen and give you back a stomach you like to show off in a swimsuit.

When you speak with a Sydney plastic surgeon, he or she will be able to determine the best way to enhance your overall contour and give you a figure that looks fit and fine for all sorts of weather. We would like to look at the tummy tuck surgery right now and see who would best benefit from it and how it is performed. Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck? The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are people who have stretched out skin in the abdominal area due to pronounced weight loss.

A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdominal region and removes large folds of skin. Usually, during a full tummy tuck, liposuction is utilized to remove any excess fatty deposits that have proven resistant to even your best efforts at eating right and working out. Following liposuction, the abdominal muscles are tightened with sutures before the remaining skin is pulled tight. A full tummy tuck can virtually give you a new midsection that you didn’t know you could have. Together you can select the best procedure that will give you the flat, toned midsection you’ve been working and striving for.

Tummy tucks are not intended as weight loss solutions and if you have large amounts of fat, our doctor may recommend having liposuction surgery to address your concerns. We’ll gladly listen to your concerns and work with you to find a solution that fits your aesthetic goals. We proudly provide services to those who live in and near Highlands Ranch, Denver, and Littleton, Colorado.

Full tummy tuck: This procedure is for those who would like to address small amounts of fat across their whole abdomen. This method eliminates fat and excess skin above and below the belly button. An overnight stay may be required after this procedure for proper recovery. Mini tummy tuck: This procedure is great for those who just have a small amount of extra skin and fat below their belly button. This method produces a smaller scar and is typically an outpatient procedure in which you can go home shortly after the operation.

I frequently combine tummy tucks with liposuction to maximize results. Liposuction is excellent for removing areas of excess fat, but tummy tucks are the only way to tighten loose, stretched skin and repair abdominal muscles that become stretched during pregnancy. This comprehensive technique restores the abdomen above and below the belly button.

Everyone wants a flat, toned stomach, but sometimes lifestyle choices aren’t enough. If you’ve dieted and exercised your way to within a few pounds of your ideal weight but still struggle with loose skin on your abdomen, you may be the perfect candidate for abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck. Abdominoplasty involves removing excess skin and tissue from the abdomen to create a tighter, more youthful appearance. While the general procedure is similar from one patient to another, you can customize your treatment with several tummy tuck options.

These monthly payment options are basically much like traditional loans or credit cards. A trusted lender partners with the cosmetic surgery center, covering the total cost of the surgery. The patient is then responsible for paying back the lender on a monthly basis. Many patients appreciate these payment options since it allows them to budget as needed from month to month. A reasonable interest rate will apply to the loan. We will be sure to answer all questions that you may have before you commit to any payment option.

tummy tuck options
For many people as they get older, keeping a trim physique is harder to do. With the many responsibilities that demand attention, it can be difficult to maintain a dedicated exercise routine and eat as healthy as you should. Those factors, along with a metabolism that slows as we age, can cause little pockets of fat to form around the body, and for many people, that area is the abdomen. These unsightly deposits of fat can be embarrassing and even affect your confidence.


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