Liposuction Surgery, Treatment, Risks And Results

liposuction risksSome liposuction procedures may require only local or regional anesthesia ¾ anesthesia limited to a specific area of your body. Other procedures may require general anesthesia, which induces a temporary state of unconsciousness. You may be given a sedative, typically through an IV injection, to help you remain calm and relaxed.

The best candidates for this procedure are those who are at or close to a healthy weight but would like to contour a part of their body. Of course, complications from poorly done surgeries are also possible. Burns and embolisms, for instance, can occur. So can nerve compression. As with any surgery, infection can occur.

Skin damage from the thin tube used during liposuction, called a cannula, can leave a permanent spotted appearance. If these visual flaws occur, they could be permanent. No one should go into liposuction without being aware of all of the risks. It’s important for patients to weigh the benefits and risks before electing for this or any other medical procedure. Remember that this decision should never be rushed or made impulsively. Consult the Professionals at Laser Lipo and Veins About Liposuction Complications!

There is also a risk that the surgery may leave wider scars that initially predicted by the doctor depending on such factors as whether or not you smoke and your age. Most of the bruising and swelling should subside within three weeks. It is common to suffer from a sore neck as well as experience burning, swelling, numbness, crusting and bleeding.

Pain medication, ice packs, and other preventative measures can help you cope with the pain associated with the procedure. Otherwise, liposuction is a safe, tested way to re-contour the body. To ensure your procedure goes as well as possible, find a highly skilled doctor who maintains hospital privileges. If you do opt to have your procedure done in a surgery center rather than the hospital, learn what the process is if you should need hospital care. With the right doctor and the ability to get to the hospital if needed, you should have few problems with your procedure. Just make sure you discuss the possible risks with your doctor before you sign up for surgery to ensure you know exactly what you are getting into.

Improper drainage of leaked fluids is the biggest contributor to complications that hamper the recovery period. It can cause hematomas or seromas where blood pools under the skin to cause a visible discoloration or color spots. Patients of laser assisted liposuction can expect to recover much faster as a result of the reduced blood loss.

When organs are damaged, surgery may be required to repair them. Visceral perforations may also be fatal. Skin Necrosis (skin death). The skin above the liposuction area or at the site of stab wound incisions may become necrotic or “die.” This is more prevalent with Ultasound Assistant Liposuction. When this happens, skin may change color and be sloughed (fall) off. Large areas of skin necrosis may become infected with bacteria or microorganisms. Burns. During Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction, the ultrasound probe may become very hot and can cause burns.

Dr. Sean Younai is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with more than 16 years of higher education training, as well as years of private practice specializing in Liposuction and body contouring. During your consultation and/or prior to your surgery, Dr. Younai will review your treatment options for body contouring and Liposuction, including pros and cons, potential risks and complications, recovery course, pre and post operative instructions, and esthetic outcomes. There are also many before-and-after pictures, high resolution images of Liposuction available in our photo gallery.

Your surgeon should provide you with information about all potential complications before your surgery and ask you to sign a consent form. The consent form indicates that you have been told about the risks and you give permission for the procedure to go ahead. It is important that you understand the risks and what they mean before you consent to the procedure so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

liposuction risks
While I enthusiastically support laser liposuction as a revolutionary new advance in plastic surgery, it is still a surgical procedure. All surgical procedures have risks and the potential for complications. Many of the risks of laser liposuction are those associated with any traditional suction procedure. However, the introduction of heat by the laser during liposuction poses some newer potential complications. If the fiber is placed too close to the skin for too long, or one area is treated to aggressively, there is risk of thermal injury, a burn can occur.


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