Liposuction Risks And Complications

liposuction risksLidocaine is one of the main ingredients used in tumescent liposuction solution. In rare cases, some patients do not respond well to it. If you have a lidocaine allergy, or you've had adverse reactions to similar drugs in the past, it is vital that you disclose this to your surgeon. Excessive movement or pressure put on the surgical site may cause incisions to reopen. It's rare with liposuction, but it's a possibility. This is part of why post-surgical care is so important.

Swelling. Swelling or edema may occur after liposuction. In some cases, swelling may persist for weeks or months after liposuction. The skin above the liposuction site may become necrotic or "die." When this happens, skin may change color and be sloughed (fall) off. Large areas of skin necrosis may become infected with bacteria or microorganisms.

How much fat is removed? What type of anesthesia will be used? Who will be the plastic surgeon? Because of this, liposuction one of the most difficult procedures for estimating cost. This makes obtaining an accurate quote over the phone nearly impossible. When researching the cost, it’s important to take these variables into consideration. 7,500 per area. In some cases, you may incur additional expenses for prescription medications, compression garments and other post-treatment care.

In many cases, the surgeon is operating the cannula close to abdominal or other organs during liposuction. There is the risk of puncturing one of these organs, which can be a serious complication. During liposuction, you may receive a lot of fluid, but you are also having a lot of fluid removed.

There are various types of wetting solutions used in liposuction surgery such as the dry, wet, super-wet and tumescent technique. 4. Next the fat is removed using a narrow tube called a cannula. There are several different ways to vacuum out the fat. They include traditional suction-assisted liposuction, ultrasound-assisted, power-assisted, laser-assisted and water-assisted liposuction.

Postoperative bleeding can also occur with liposuction surgery for men. In addition, a blood clot called a hematoma can occur in the treated area, as can a seroma, a pocket of watery fluid. Necrosis, or the death of tissue, can occur when the blood supply to those tissues are cut off.

Well, first and foremost, there are potential risks that accompany any surgery, whether cosmetic or medical. These include a bad reaction to the anesthesia, infection, heavy bleeding, and fat or blood clots. In very rare cases nerve damage, skin burns, fluid in the lungs, and injury to internal organs are possible. Again, extreme risks such as this are very rare and reduced greatly by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon with a track record of success. As for liposuction itself, there are some minor, temporary complications that may be experienced during or after the liposuction procedure.

This is a buildup of fluid that can occur after surgery. It usually appears as a small bump in the surgical area. A seroma occurs when damaged blood and lymphatic vessels expel plasma, the clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood. Small seromas can be absorbed back into the body as your body heals itself. However, larger seromas can sometimes become infected, and require medical attention.

Infections can be minor and therefore easily treated while others can be really dangerous. One example of which is the condition “necrotizing fasciitis,” wherein bacteria consumes the affected tissue. There is also the toxic shock syndrome, which is also caused by bacteria and can be fatal. This condition occurs when fats enter ruptured blood vessels and joins the blood stream as it travels to various organs of the body.

liposuction risks

Your aftercare is important after surgery to reduce swelling and speed up recovery. 1. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. It may seem counterintuitive that you have to drink more water to reduce swelling, but it works. Aim for one ounce water intake for every 1-1/2 pounds body weight. 2. Eat a healthy diet, one low in sodium.


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