Liposuction Recovery Time At Beleza Medspa Austin TX

liposuction recoveryThis swelling begins in the first 48 hours after the procedure and will last for weeks to months. The good news is that your body will remove this swelling on its own. While we wait for this, we help the process by wearing a compression garment, doing daily massage and moving our muscles with exercise.

Swelling - usually subsides within a few months. Bruising - painful at first, but quickly resides post operatively. Scars - varying in size, and dependent on skin type, insertion type and location as well as the size of cannula used, patients’ scars are usually gone within a year after liposuction surgery, if not sooner.

1. Tumescent liposuction - During this cosmetic surgery procedure local anesthesia is applied to the areas where tube is likely to be inserted. To remove the fatty tissue, solution combining lidocaine and epinephrine is injected into that area. 2. Ultrasound assisted liposuction - Ultrasound technique directs heat rays on the required fatty deposits to melt and remove them.

The best candidates for thigh liposuction are in good general health " people with poor blood circulation, diabetes, or weakened immune systems should not undergo the procedure. Thigh liposuction is also more successful on patients whose skin shows sufficient elasticity to take on the thigh’s new contours post-procedure, without appearing loose or crepey.

Any slight discomfort you may experience after the first 72 hours can usually be handled with over-the-counter painkillers. Most patients can return to their normal routine after the first week but since everyone is different, Dr. Berman will inform you in your follow-up visits when it is safe to return to your regular, day-to-day activities. So it is vital you keep your post-op appointments to ensure the best possible results and your safety. You can examine some of Dr. Berman’s spectacular results in his before and after gallery, or watch video testimonials from his happy patients. If you believe liposuction is right for you then don’t delay.

When it comes to removing excess fat from the body, liposuction provides an ideal option for many residents of Bellevue, WA. Liposuction is a technique that can remove superfluous body fat from various body parts. Liposuction allows Bellevue residents who are unable to lose weight an opportunity to enhance the appearance of their body.

Whereas most surgical procedures will send you home with a long list of post-op instructions, SmartLipo’s recovery process is relatively simple. As mentioned elsewhere on our site, SmartLipo’s improved laser technology equates to significantly reduced side effects and post-op complications. The laser used in SmartLipo operations actually seals your blood cells as it passes over each area, thereby reducing blood loss during the operation as well as bruising or swelling after the operation. As soon as your SmartLipo operation ends, your body will begin healing itself.

You may need IV fluids, or a blood transfusion if you lost significant blood during the surgery. Like traditional liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction is also usually done in a hospital. Anesthesia may be general or local. The length of the required hospital stay varies depending on the need for IV fluids, which varies by patient and by the extent of the fat removed from the stomach. Usually, you are on bed rest for several days even if you don't remain in the hospital, and you may experience significant pain and discomfort for several days after the procedure.

Dr. Burns will prescribe pain relievers to manage this pain, which should be reduced to mild discomfort as the days pass. Along with your bruising and swelling, most discomfort should pass by the end of the first week. You will also be prescribed antibiotics to take during your recovery period to prevent infection.

liposuction recovery
Immediately after your liposuction procedure, you may encounter minor discomfort, bruising, swelling, and mild redness that can continue for the first few days. Medications may be prescribed to ease any discomfort you experience during your recovery. Gauze and compression garments will be applied to reduce swelling and aid in supporting the incision areas. It is recommended to avoid physical activities and pressure on your chest. Detailed instructions will be provided by Dr. Baker on how to care for your incisions. Most patients can resume work after four or five days of recovery.


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