For Those With Poor Skin Elasticity

liposuction scarsLiposuction is one of the most popular surgical procedures in the United States and around the world. Though major side effects and death from liposuction are very rare, it is important to remember that the cosmetic procedure is still a surgery. Because the procedure involves making incisions into the skin, scarring is a normal event that may occur. Liposuction scars can be caused by the actual incision that is made into the skin.

6. How much scarring can I expect? Scars with liposuction can occur, but it is usually minimal. One of the most attractive features of liposuction is that the incisions are so small and the thus the scars are also quite small. The amount or degree of scarring depends on both the surgeon’s technique and the patient’s genetic or inherited scarring tendency.

However as she didn't want to lose her money she went through with it regardless. She said: 'When I went to my consultant I felt I didn't need it but I had already paid all the money up front. I would have lost that if I didn't do it so I felt I had to go through with it.

What can be done to diminish liposuction scars once I have them? Diminishing scars once they appear is a whole different ball game. Atrophic Scars – These are scars where the skin depresses or indents. Hypertrophic Scars – These are scars that are elevated above the skin. Fibroblastic Scars – These are scars that continue to expand even after the wound is healed – causing the scar to swell and expand well beyond the original boundary of the injury (keloid scars are of this variety).

This method of liposuction is less traumatic to surrounding tissue structures, resulting in less bruising, swelling and scarring and recovery time much faster. Many technological advances have enabled patients are awake liposuction. No need for general anesthesia, patients can remain outside during the procedure, ie, less groggy afterward. Vaser Liposuction is a procedure much less traumatic than previous methods. This is what is given to patients with only local anesthesia to the affected area is numb. Most patients are asked to wear elastic support that provides a surgeon.

In case the gel doesn’t work, there is a laser therapy that can be used to treat Hyperpigmentation and redness on surgery scars. You can consult with your plastic surgeon to know more about laser treatments. Laser treatments are very effective and would definitely have a permanent effect on your scars if indeed you are a victim of Hyperpigmentation.

The location of your liposuction scars will depend on your surgeon’s preferences and skill, and sometimes can be hidden in the belly button or below the bikini line. Other scars will be more visible, depending on what areas of your body you have treated. Wherever your scars are, chances are you want to minimize them as much as possible.

Dr. Kenneth Dickie offers patients a personable approach to cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical procedures. We proudly offer plastic surgery services to Barrie, Collingwood, Sudbury, Orillia, Huntsville, Bracebridge and surrounding areas. Fill out the form on the right to schedule a personal consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Dickie. Or call us at the phone number posted at the top of the page.

In these cases, we would recommend the Vaser liposuction, which uses ultrasound energy set at a frequency to target only the fat cells, leaving all surrounding tissue mostly unharmed. So compared to traditional methods, there is relatively less pain, less bruising and less blood loss, making the recovery time quicker. The scars for liposuction tend to be around 5mm, requiring one stitch, and they are placed in discreet areas like the belly button or creases so they are not noticeable.

liposuction scars

If you also have an existing scar from a past injury or procedure, the surgeon is likely to hide the liposuction scar within the first one. It is also likely for the liposuction scars to look red in the first few weeks or months after which they will fade gradually and become paler.


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