Chicago Liposuction

tummy tuck vs liposuctionThis situation sees you unwillingly walk past clothes you want to wear. The accumulation of fat in this inconvenient region affects your looks to a reasonable extent. Hoe Does the Extra Fat Accumulate? Women in particular experience a real challenge dealing with additional fat in the stomach area. In many situations, age plays a critical role. As the years go by, your skin loses its elasticity, bringing about saggy skin. This effect escalates due to the impact of having children or unhealthy eating habits.

What is creating your belly “pooch”? Unwanted fat is an issue for some patients, but not for everyone. Some patients are very lean, but have excess, sagging skin or stretched abdominal muscles (a common occurrence after having children) that they want to address. For such patients, liposuction can only do so much, and a tummy tuck is usually the preferred option.

Home » Tummy Tuck Vs. It is difficult to compare liposuction with a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a large surgical procedure that focuses on removing skin from the lower part of the abdomen, whereas liposuction focus on removal of fat that can be anywhere on the abdomen, waist or flanks. Liposuction is less invasive procedure more versatile procedure with fewer associated risks. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure is a larger surgery that requires the patient to undergo general anesthesia.

A tummy tuck offers the most extensive alterations for the stomach. During this procedure, an incision is made across the lower abdominal area (just below the bikini line). Using this incision, Dr. McCall is able to remove loose, stretched skin and unwanted tissues, as well as repair any damage to the abdominal muscles. One the necessary alterations have been made, the abdominal skin is re-draped and the incision is closed. A tummy tuck results in a tighter and more toned tummy as well as a slimmer waistline.

Can a patient exercise his or her way into just needing liposuction and not a tummy tuck? Each of us has different patterns of fat disposition when we gain or lose weight. If you took a hundred people and had all of them gain 20 pounds, they would all accumulate fat in different patterns. Similarly, when you lose the weight, the weight comes off from certain areas and that is a variable we do not know. The bigger issue, however, is what the skin is doing. Abdominal tone can be improved with exercise, but the skin is another story.

The laxity is usually caused by pregnancy, aging, weight fluctuation, heredity or prior surgery. Prime candidates should be healthy non-smokers with a stable weight. What's the difference, and which one is for you? For both liposuction and abdominoplasty, patients undergo lab tests and a possible adjustment in medication. They should avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, as these could impact bleeding. Home preparation is mostly the same. Patients should stock up on ice packs and have loose clothing.

Some of the things that could lead to a tummy tuck are age because the skin looses elasticity as people age and multiple pregnancies that leave a lot of fat. However, a surgeon could examine you to determine how loose your skin is. Can you still do liposuction if the skin is loose?

Both of the procedures are used for fat removal but their end result is quite different from each other. Liposuction is a fat removal procedure and is not just use on abdomen but also other parts of the body. The recovery time of the procedure is less. For perfect results, it can only be used to remove a small amount of fat and it doesn’t remove the excess skin. Tummy Tuck is a serious procedure and can only be performed on the midsection of the body. The recovery time of the procedure is extensive. It can be used to remove a large amount of fat from the body and it also removes the execs skin from the body.

Exercise and diet can reduce overall fat, but cannot spot reduce. Exercise will not improve skin looseness and it can not pull the muscles back together. There are some patients who would really benefit from a tummy tuck, but they do not have the recovery time or finances to do one. If they have excess fat, and are ok with still having loose skin, they can have liposuction as long as they understand what the results will be.

tummy tuck vs liposuction
When Dr. Rod preforms a Tummy Tuck he tries to make your scars as unnoticeable as possible. By placing the incisions low, they can be hidden even when wearing a bikini. As you can see from the table above, there are many advantages to both procedures. Christina Hernandez, a Care Coordinator for a top plastic surgeon in Arizona, says, “It’s heartwarming to see patients after their tummy tuck or lipo because they exude confidence from their new thinner look. Can I see before and after pictures from Dermacare?


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