Anne Nickodem, M.D

liposuction recovery tipsMost people return to work within a few days and exercise within a week or two. Follow Dr. Nickodem’s specific instructions for you because doing too much too fast can cause problems. Care for Your Incisions - Wounds take approximately two weeks to heal after liposuction. You may have drains in your wounds for a few days to expel fluids.

Stay in the surgical facility until your body does not show significant post-operative issues (low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.) anymore and your discharge is approved by your surgeon. The observation time can be as less as 30 minutes (for fully local anesthesia) or anywhere between 1 hour and 3 hours (for general anesthesia) after the completion of the surgery. Make sure that you do not miss any of your post-operative check-ups, which typically vary from surgeon to surgeon. Take special care of your stitches until they are removed.

In any case, massage can also be somewhat challenging for your skin"there’s a lot of moving around involved in a massage. If you’re looking for ways to heal more quickly after a liposuction procedure, massage could certainly help. However, it’s important to discuss your massage plans with your surgeon first so you don’t end up creating more complications by either jumping in too early or being too aggressive with your massage. Finding a masseur or masseuse who specializes in post-operative massage could also help improve results as well.

Vaser liposuction is a low-impact body sculpting procedure that removes sub-dermal fat. Popular targeted areas include the abdomen, upper arms, back, buttocks, chest, neck, flanks, knees, thighs, chin and jowls. Vaser liposuction is a low impact treatment that is performed with a local anaesthetic. It is a more cost and time effective treatment than traditional liposuction, and it encourages the body to recover faster. It is important that you do everything that you can to aid your liposuction recovery.

Clothes that fit tightly can irritate the skin and reduce the speed of the recovery. Plus, it’s important for patients to be comfortable throughout the process, and loose-fitting, light clothing helps. The body needs a significant amount of fluid to prevent dehydration following liposuction. The recommended amount of water everyone should drink on average is eight glasses per day. However, following liposuction, try to increase the average to around 10-12 glasses per day to ensure the body is properly hydrated. It’s tempting for Omaha patients to lie on the couch for a couple of weeks after their liposuction procedure.

Today, we’re focusing on the last bit of the equation: recovery. If you’re planning a laser-assisted liposuction procedure, be sure to check out the tumescent liposuction recovery tips that we’ve listed below. Listen to your doctor. First and foremost, listen to your doctor’s instructions. Your recovery will depend greatly on the type of liposuction used, the area of the body treated, and the size of the treated area, so your doctor will be able to give you the most specific and pertinent advice.

Swelling will become maximal during this time. Tenderness should improve gradually every day. Most surgeons permit their patients to shower. Following any showering, the post-op garment needs to be reapplied. The need for narcotic pain medication should disappear. Your blood level should return to normal during the latter part of this time interval. Until then, exercise only to the point where your heart rate remains below a level determined by your surgeon. For most, this will be 120 beats per minute. The majority of swelling will disappear. Generally, most patients may resume strenuous physical activity. In most cases, eight weeks after surgery, the end result is visible.

Liposuction is the leading method to remove stubborn areas of fat and create a smooth contour throughout different areas of the body. In the past, liposuction was often a painful procedure that required a large amount of downtime. Thanks to advances in technology, new techniques in liposuction provide enhanced precision, making the experience less invasive. As a result, liposuction recovery is shorter and easier than ever.

During this week you might feel like you’re ready to go back to work and your regular activities, but pushing your body before it’s ready will only prolong the swelling and bruising. Take a week, make the best of it by giving yourself the chance to heal properly, and your body will definitely thank you. You can return to gentle exercise after about 2 weeks.

liposuction recovery tips

The first two to three days after surgery are usually the toughest. Depending on the amount of fat removed and the area of removal, you will likely have localized swelling that can leave you feeling sore. Most patients are able to return to work within a week of the operation.


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