5 Tips For An Easy Recovery Period After Liposuction

after liposuctionBeing ambulatory for just a few minutes per day is all it takes to reduce your risk, though increasing physical activity as you feel better is a good idea. It is important to keep yourself properly hydrated throughout recovery. Liposuction recovery can take several weeks. Adhering to the routine consistently throughout the recovery period is key.

New generation of external ultrasound devices such as Vaser Shape or Liposonix can be utilized post-op to minimize post-liposuction unevenness. The cosmetic outcome of Liposculpture varies from surgeon to surgeon. A more experienced surgeon is less likely to have a result with lumpy skin than a less experienced surgeon. During liposuction fat is removed not as an even paste or liquid, but as fat globules. As such, it does leave some irregularity. When the liposuction is not very aggressive or when only deep layers of fat are removed, this resulting irregularity is not noticeable.

However if the surgeon is very aggressive in removing a lot of fat and fat close to the skin surface, then you will likely have some lumpiness to your skin. Massage right after surgery, and continuing it for about 3 months will help to smooth out these lumps, although some irregularity may remain.

Most of the swelling and soreness after liposuction is the result of residual blood tinged anesthetic solution that remains trapped under the skin after liposuction. Red blood cells that have leaked out of blood vessels, and fragments of fatty tissue that escape suction and remain under the skin cause inflammation.

I weigh a lot more than I’d like to, and I can’t seem to get rid of it. I think that I’ll need to find someone who can do liposuction for me then use your tips to keep it off. A good friend of mine was looking into getting a liposuction surgery the other day.

One of the most common side-effects that bothers all patients is the swelling after liposuction. The emphasis here is on the recovery time that normally follows a liposuction. Unless and until you are optimistic and willing to be patient, liposuction is not for you. The reason is that swelling after liposuction may take as much as a year to subside completely.

Fortunately, there are a few methods you can apply to tighten loose skin after liposuction. Get intense pulse light skin tightening treatment. This non surgical cosmetic procedure involves bombarding loose skin with radio-frequency waves. The waves penetrate deep into your skin, tightening it from within. It is very effective in tightening loose skin on the buttocks, thighs and arms. Consult a plastic surgeon or dermatologist for more information about this procedure. Do strength training exercises such as resistance training, weight training and isometric training, for one hour daily to help tighten loose skin.

Pain varies from person to person, but a key factor to ensuring your pain levels stay low is to have the procedure performed by a skilled and reputable experienced surgeon. Another factor in pain levels is the size of the area you are having liposuctioned. The equation is simple: larger areas mean more pain, smaller areas equal less pain. Fortunately, all pain should dissipate after about a week, and you will most likely never need more than the aforementioned over the counter pain reliever.

The amount of swelling you have depends on several factors including the amount of fat you have removed, wearing a post-operative compression garment, and the degree of trauma sustained during the procedure. In most cases, though, there is hardly any lumpiness from swelling left after six weeks on the abdomen and hips and even less time for other areas. Liposuction, lipoplasty, and liposculpture are all words for the same thing, just some sound more elegant than others.

after liposuction
Complete healing of the swelling after liposuction, which is the third stage, can take up to six months or as much as a year’s time. Swelling after liposuction can be more persistent if the amount of fat removed is excessive. Certain body parts like Inferior gluteal fold and the lateral thigh are more prone to swelling and irregular contouring as a result of the swelling. Similarly, if liposuction is to be done on a small area as compared to the entire thigh region or the full torso, the swelling might be more manageable.


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