4 Tips For A More Comfortable Tummy Tuck Recovery

tummy tuck recovery tipsWhile it is good to rest during the recovery from a tummy tuck, it is very important NOT to put yourself on bedrest because this increases the risk of potentially fatal blood clots. Light daily movement is necessary. Your plastic surgeon will provide compression garments and you should ensure you wear them as instructed.

You want to be as close to your goal weight as possible before surgery. And of course, you should continue eating clean during recovery and beyond. Living a healthy lifestyle will keep your results looking exceptional for years to come. Time Off Work: Give yourself time to recover. Surgery can take a toll on the body, so you need time to rest. Plan on taking off around 2 weeks of work. If your job requires intense manual labor, then we recommend that you take closer to 4 to 6 weeks off.

Keeping yourself healthy and reducing your chances of complications after your tummy tuck are your responsibility. Your surgeon can only be responsible for what occurs in the hospital. Once you leave the hospital you have to follow your doctors orders. You have to make sure you are doing your part to aid in your recovery. Most complications that occur once a patient leaves the hospital are a direct result of their own actions.

While rest is important to recovery, moving is also essential. Get up every hour and walk around the bedroom. Extend this, when you’re comfortable, to a short walk around the main floor of your home, then outside. Don’t overtax yourself, but do get moving, as it will speed recovery and help you feel emotionally better, too! And stay away from the gym until I give you the OK, OK? If you smoke, quit at least 4 weeks before and remain smoke-free for 4 weeks after your tummy tuck.

You had a vision in mind for a body that better reflected the you that you knew you were meant to be, and you had the strength and courage to take these steps to bring that body to life. Recovery’s no fun, but it’s worth it because you’re worth it.

When sleeping try elevating your shoulders or feet with pillows, this will take strain off of your abdominals. Although you should avoid strenuous exercise and actives following your procedure, walking is highly recommended by doctors for optimal healing. Walking is one of the most effective ways to prevent the formation of blood clots during recovery.

If you know you’re going in for major surgery, doing a little work ahead of time will ensure that you’re able to rest and take it easy after your procedure. That way, when you’re released, you’ll have a few days to just rest and heal without worrying about taking care of many smaller things.

My Indiana tummy tuck patients love their results, and most of them wish they’d taken the plunge earlier than they did. Knowing how many of my patients are considering this procedure, I’m sharing these tips to make your recovery even easier! You’re going to want a minimum of one week to recover, and most of my tummy tuck patients find that 10-14 days is even better. If you have a job that involves lifting, you’ll need to either take more time away from work or be temporarily reassigned to a position with no lifting.

Expect some pain: After surgery, you can expect pain in your torso tissue as a result of the tightening of the abdominal musculature. You may feel uncomfortable and tender for a couple of weeks, and you can experience minor aches and pains for the full recovery time of a few months.

tummy tuck recovery tips
We’ll give you prescriptions for pain medications prior to your surgery. Even if you don’t like taking medicine, fill the prescriptions. After a tummy tuck, you’ll have a sense of tightness, tenderness and discomfort in both the front and back of your abdomen. Most patients find that pain medication, when taken appropriately, makes recovery much easier.


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