Which One Is Right For Me?

tummy tuck vs liposuctionHowever, there are patients with no skin laxity who can benefit from a liposuction procedure, in which minuscule incisions the size of a grain of rice are used to suction and eliminate belly fat. Aging, massive weight loss and multiple pregnancies can diminish skin elasticity. If there is a noticeable amount of sagging skin, tummy tuck is the right choice. This procedure uses an incision within the lower abdomen (concealed by the patient’s underwear) to remove the excess skin tissue.

If you have extra fat and/or loose skin around the abdominal area, you might have considered plastic surgery as a solution to getting rid of it. Two popular procedures are liposuction and a tummy tuck. The end goal of both is a slim waist line, but which is right for you?

Results: What kind of result would you be satisfied with getting? Do you want to be as flat and tight and smooth as possible, or would you be happy with mild improvement? Health: Are you healthy enough to have a surgical procedure? If you have pockets of fat that just don’t respond to diet and exercise, CoolSculpting may be a great option.

The effects of a tummy tuck and liposuction are meant to be permanent. However, patients can regain the lost weight if they do not observe a proper diet and exercise. With increased weight gain, new fat cells develop in all areas of the body including those that have been treated. With a small weight gain, existing fat cells just enlarge.

Your surgeon will help you determine what procedures are most appropriate for your specific case. In general, a tummy tuck is more appropriate for patients with stretched muscles and excess skin that will not be corrected by liposuction. However, if your muscles are toned and tight and your only issue is a stubborn fat deposit over the muscles, liposuction is probably a better option for you. Another thing to consider is scarring.

Health is another possible benefit of liposuction. A number of studies have shown that the removal of substantial amounts of fat can reduce your cholesterol, which will reduce your risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Additionally, patients who have substantial amounts of fats on their abdomen area can cause pressure on their lungs, causing difficulty in breathing due to the abundance of fat. These are major concerns in our society, and to make the decision to reduce such risk factors will provide a significant benefit to the enjoyment and longevity, happiness, and overall personal well-being.

It’s important to consult with your plastic surgeon and discuss all your concerns and options for body contouring. If there is a noticeable tummy skin sagging after a massive weight loss or pregnancy, tummy tuck is the right option for you. Tummy tuck uses an incision within the lower abdomen to remove the excess skin tissue. Incision is usually concealed and located within the bikini line.

In such a scenario, the excess skin persists regardless of whether you exercise, watch what you eat, or both. A tummy tuck procedure is your way out as you endeavor to win back that contoured look. The operation produces the best results in individuals who are in relatively good health but want to lose that extra cover.

Suitable candidates should be healthy and have firm, elastic skin. Liposuction does not affect cellulite. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty aims to remove excess fat and skin and restore weakened or separated muscles in the abdomen. The goal is to achieve a smooth, firm abdominal profile. Suitable individuals are at their target weight but have a protruding, loose abdomen.

tummy tuck vs liposuction
The scar will be permanent but will fade over time. Liposuction: The minor incisions needed for liposuction may leave only small scars or no scars at all. Any minor scarring will fade over time. Tummy Tuck: After a tummy tuck, patients may need up to two weeks off work to recover.


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