Which Is Right For You?

tummy tuck vs liposuctionThe different types of tummy tuck procedures are: traditional, mini, endoscopic, extended, and circumferential, and they are chosen based on a patient’s specific desires for their body. What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck? A Mini Tummy Tuck is great for patients who have a slightly bulged stomach, stretch marks below the belly button, and/or excess skin. This technique requires a small, horizontal incision above the pubic mound. What Is A Full Tummy Tuck?

Liposuction addresses the subcutaneous fat in the upper layers of the tissue just below the skin, not the skin itself. This fat is often resistant to diet and exercise and can linger on long past when you’ve reached your target weight. Liposuction is less invasive, it can improve the look of many body areas, and it has a shorter recovery period.

For patients in NJ who only need fat removed from an isolated area, liposuction is usually the best course of treatment. Together with Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, you can decide which procedure is best-suited for your individual needs. Often times, these procedures can be combined for optimal results. If you’re interested in a body contouring procedure, make an appointment at our office in Hackensack, NJ. Dr. Rauscher and his dedicated staff look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

In addition, they understand that liposuction is still an operation, although a smaller one than a tummy tuck, and are willing to go through the recovery from surgery for a more modest improvement. Can either procedure help with weight loss? Neither procedure is a weight loss tool. They are body-contouring tools.

People who are unhappy with the appearance of their abdominal area may opt for cosmetic surgery if they are unable to resolve their concerns with diet and exercise. Surgeries like liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) allow for a degree of sculpting that isn’t usually possible with simple exercise. Many people assume that the two surgeries are similar or even interchangeable, but they are actually quite different. Liposuction surgery is the removal of excess fat from portions of the body that have resistant fat deposits.

This procedure tends to work best for men and women who are within 30 percent of their ideal body weight, but are looking to eliminate the last few pounds that regular diet and exercise are unable to get rid of. Dr. Terry Dubrow is one of the most respected plastic surgeons in Orange County and frequently performs liposuction and tummy tuck surgery for many of his patients. He is dedicated to helping them get the body they want by providing safe and effective procedures at his Newport Beach practice.

A special tool called a cannula is inserted through the incisions and fatty tissue is suctioned away. The resulting scars are minimal. Neither procedure is a weight loss treatment. Abdominoplasty addresses stretched tissues that cannot be restored without medical intervention. Liposuction is intended to address fat deposits that do not respond to diet or exercise.

Patients can experience dramatic body contour enhancement by undergoing liposuction and/or tummy tuck surgery. These procedures are both designed to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals by improving their body shape. Many patients can undergo both procedures for even greater body contouring results. Whether you need liposuction for fat removal or tummy tuck surgery for fat removal combined with skin and muscle tightening, these body contouring procedures can be greatly beneficial. During your personal consultation, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Conrad can identify which of these procedures is best for your needs.

Tummy tuck surgery can help you achieve a flat, firm abdomen. To accomplish this, this procedure targets three common issues: lax stomach muscles, excess and sagging skin, and localized abdominal fat. These issues are isolated to the abdominal area, which is why the procedure earned the nickname “tummy tuck” surgery. Candidates for a tummy tuck typically struggle with all of these issues and desire to improve the definition and contour of this specific area of their body.

tummy tuck vs liposuction
VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure that uses the power of ultrasound energy to heat up fat cells and gently remove them. VASER liposuction is great for creating definition because it removes both superficial and deep fat, revealing underlying muscles for a tighter, more athletic appearance.


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