What To Expect From Recovery

tummy tuck recoveryYou will be expected to stay in the hospital overnight while doctors and nurses look after your well-being and make sure that no complications arise. Make no mistake about it: a tummy tuck may be an elective procedure, but it is a serious one and it comes with real risks. Dont go into it with your head in the sand.

If you are dieting, don't start any extreme programs until at least three weeks after your tummy tuck surgery. For proper healing purposes, you need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet for the first few weeks following your surgery. In addition, you can usually return to work (depending on the extent and severity of the surgery) 3 to 4 weeks after your tummy tuck procedure.

The first few days after the procedure, you will probably notice lots of swelling and pain, but your doctor should supply you with enough medication to last a few days at least. Just remember that if you take any narcotic medications you should not be driving, so plan to get a ride home from the surgery.

A tummy tuck is a serious medical procedure that many men and women undergo each year. Your commitment to recovery and self-care will ensure that your body has the best chance for full recovery. Following your physician's instructions for post-operative care is the most important thing you can do for tummy tuck recovery. After your tummy tuck, you will rest in a recovery room, or you might even be admitted to the hospital overnight.

Once you are released, most physicians will prescribe two to three days of bed rest. While they may seem like three very long days, it is crucial for your tummy tuck recovery that you follow your surgeon's instructions. If possible, have a friend or family member stay with you for those initial days at home so that they can help you and keep an eye on you as you recover. You will receive personalized instructions on medication, compression, elevation and rest during this time. Your physician may even be able to give you advice on ways to minimize scarring.

There is one practice that you must eliminate completely before your procedure: Smoking. It has been proven that smoking has a direct negative effect on your recovery. It reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches your skin cells by constricting your blood vessels. That lower level of oxygen means your skin cells' healing response is slowed.

This is not the time to be tough. Too much pain will only interfere with the healing process, so take your meds as prescribed. After your surgery, you will be given instructions on how to care for yourself at home during your recovery. This will include information on how to change your bandages, whether it’s ok to bathe etc. He will also provide you with a list of symptoms to look out for and what to do if you experience them.

Whether recovering from a tummy tuck or a C-section, you may feel a similar degree of discomfort when standing upright or if your stomach muscles are used too soon. It’s also very important to give your body time to heal naturally without pushing yourself in the case of both surgeries. Every woman is different, and when it comes to post-surgical recovery, individuals respond and progress in different ways and at varying paces.

The best way to avoid complications and to get the results that you want is to follow all of your doctors post op instructions. Having support and a helping hand for the first day or two when you come home after your procedure will make a big difference to your recovery process. Many doctors recommend that someone helps you during this time, so you are able to get adequate rest. Following a tummy tuck, it is very difficult to stand straight so you will need help performing simple tasks, i.e. getting out of bed or changing clothes.

tummy tuck recovery

Keep those in place after the surgery—they will be removed by the doctor when he deems fit. The drains wont completely eliminate the swelling, but they will control it to some degree. You will be prescribed pain medication, and you should take this medication as directed. No more, but also no less.


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