What Do Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like?

tummy tuck scarsThis technique will not cause vertical scar. If we talk about mini tummy tuck, the procedure will address lower abdominal area only but the scar caused by the procedure will also be small. In this procedure, incision is made in the same place as the traditional tummy tuck but it will be smaller resulting in smaller horizontal scar. Besides the techniques used for the procedure, the appearance of scars caused by tummy tuck surgery also depends on the healing capability of patient.

There is only one incision made and there is no need to reposition the belly button. Some skin irregularity may also occur due to the liposuction that is sometimes performed during the tuck. And although rare, bleeding and infection are other possible complications that may arise from the procedure. Sometimes the scarring is accompanied by bruising and swelling which can last from two weeks up to a couple of months following the tummy tuck.

You can also massage the area everyday with coconut or olive oil. The better your skin is before surgery, the better it will heal after surgery. Tummy tuck scars are inevitable, but if you consistently to proactive steps, you can considerably speed up the healing and reduce the appearance as much as possible. Most of all, remember to be patient!

Tummy tucks are a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that both men and women choose in order to achieve a thinner, firmer abdomen. As with any surgical procedure, you can expect to have scarring after a tummy tuck. However, there are steps you can take to help your scar heal better and fade faster. Here’s everything you need to know about this surgery, the scars that come with it, and also what experts recommend as the best treatment for tummy tuck scars.

A tummy tuck is a highly effective procedure for improving the contour of your abdomen and achieving an attractive midsection. During a tummy tuck, excess fat and skin are removed, stomach muscles are tightened up, and the whole abdominal area is smoothed and slimmed. However, most surgical procedures do leave scars, and scarring after a full tummy tuck scar can be quite extensive, running the length of your bikini line - often all the way from one hip to the other.

Below are a few steps you can take to assist with the healing of the scars, and reduce the appearance. 1. Upon being released, make sure you follow the doctor's instructions thoroughly and consistently. Keep compression on your incisions by wearing a compression wrap and compressive clothes. 2. Avoid smoking cigarettes. Smoking can slow down the recovery process and enhance the visibility of scars. 3. When your doctor gives you the green light, start to apply cortisone and/or scar cream during the day.

One of the biggest concerns that women have concerning a tummy tuck is the length and position of the resulting scar. It is exactly this concern that separates an exceptional tummy tuck specialist in Los Angeles from the rest. Dr. Sean Younai, board-certified plastic surgeon, is proud of his skill in planning where the tummy tuck incisions will be placed.

You will have a scar after your abdominoplasty procedure. Most people will not know that you have a scar. Your tummy tuck scars will be hidden under clothing or underwear and you may have a scar hidden around the edge of the belly button (this scar is not present after a mini-tummy tuck). Hernia repair normally won’t cause any additional scars. The scar should heal completely and fairly quickly.

Tummy tuck scars are inevitable, just like with every surgical operation. Patients should realistically expect to have a scar after surgery but also expect it to fade and “remodel” over the twelve month after the surgery. Although the surgery cannot be done without scars, the scars are planned to be as low on the abdomen as possible so as to be hidden by most clothing.

tummy tuck scars
Both oils penetrate the skin and have powerful healing properties. 5. Get regular massages. Yes, regular massages can help tremendously with scarring! A massage will help speed up the healing process by increasing blood circulation. A professional therapist can also use a technique called friction that will help prevent adhesions and break down the scar tissue. 6. Eat healthy, take a multivitamin and vitamin E. Eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with a multivitamin will ensure your body will remain healthy, and be in its optimal healing state.


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