In case you are planning to try out liposuction as a way of loosing stubborn fat, there is no doubt, the scars left after the procedure can be a big concern. How Do Lipo Scars Look? The scars that develop from liposuction are direct results of the incisions made on the skin in order to suck out the fat.
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Although it is advisable to just let the scars disappear naturally; if it has taken too long there is nothing wrong with using an alternative solution. Hyperpigmentation or constant redness of the surgery scars is one of the common issues patients have. This can easily be treated with silicone gel applications. However, even though some doctors may recommend the use of bleaching creams, this is not a universal solution that works for anyone. Bleaching creams can be very irritating so if you have sensitive skin, it’s best to just stick with silicone gels.
Even in the earliest forms of liposuction, the cannula instrument - needles are a bit like a long, hollow needles are used to separate the fat. The scars that remain are generally smaller scars of minimally invasive surgery. In modern technology - such as Vaser liposuction - needles are very small, and so they leave scars in the same small. Vaser Hi Def in techniques such as, which is commonly used to define a horizontal bench of men and women who are in better shape than the average candidate for liposuction, the needles are very small.
Are You Considering Liposuction? If you are considering liposuction to go, you know, what kind of scars left behind. You can wear a swimsuit? This sexy black dress? This is a common concern of patients with a new liposuction. In today´s modern technology uses very small cannulas intake of fat.
Additionally, an infection on the wound after surgery may have an effect on how big the liposuction scars will appear. To avoid any complications, using antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor is very important after the surgery. How Long Will The Scars Take To Disappear? Generally, the body sculpting surgery scars will take between 3 months and 6 months to disappear. Some patients will see faster results than others depending on a number of factors.
When possible, they are placed in areas typically covered by clothing to prevent visibility. Different types of skin tones and hereditary traits can also affect how the scars appear. Following your doctor’s instructions after surgery will also help to minimize scarring. For example, the wound will continue to drain for several days. It is important to change the dressings regularly as directed to minimize the chances of infection.
In the center of aesthetic medicine, liposuction of the knees is made by real professionals using the most innovative techniques, which allows you to reduce possible risks to minimum indicators and get guaranteed positive results. To correct the area of the kneecaps in the clinic, injection, radio wave or laser liposuction can be used. The laser method is characterized by maximum performance indicators and allows to remove even extensive fat deposits in the knee area. Laser liposuction has a concomitant rejuvenating effect, extremely favorably affecting the skin condition.
These cuts are usually 4 - 10mm in length"less than a centimeter! The number and size of the cuts (and the corresponding number and size of the scars) will largely depend on the liposuction technique that your surgeon has decided is best for you. As far as possible, the incisions are made in the most discreet places.