Vaser Lipo Vs Smart Lipo ~ Reviews Of Surgeons

vaser lipo vs smart lipoI have experience with all of these technologies, so I am speaking from my own experience. The most important factor in your result will be your selection of a surgeon. Look for a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in liposuction and knowledge of newer technology and devices. Properly performed traditional liposuction in the hands of a skilled surgeon remains the gold standard.

We’ve broken down each procedure so you can feel confident and educated when you visit with your physician on various treatment types. Smart Lipo also known as Laser Lipo is such a commonly heard treatment and seems to be everywhere. Most physicians (whether Plastic Surgeons or not) who have jumped onto the “cosmetic bandwagon” seem to have this treatment in their facility.

We feel that the SmartLipo laser is very good at causing skin tightening below the surface of the skin, and softening the small globular fat in the upper layers of fat. The Vaser is good for breaking up the large globular and fibro-fatty tissue which is usually in the deeper layers and in the flanks.

The second is 1320 nm which is primarily absorbed by water and is used to heat the dermal collagen for better skin tightening. The third wavelength is 1640 nm and is mostly for hemostasis ( to seal the blood vessels ) so there is minimal bleeding and bruising afterward. Vaser is older technology ( 8 years old ) and utilizes ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat before liposuction.

In fact I would have to say that pretty consistently the worst results I have seen from other surgeons in my revision work have come from Vaser or smart lipo. Not that they are bad tools, but the lesson is to not just trust the machine but trust the surgeon.

How Is Vaser Lipo Different From Traditional Liposuction? VASER lipo is an alternative to the techniques of traditional liposuction offering an advanced body contouring procedure which selectively reduces unwanted body fat. What distinguishes the VASER Lipo procedure is its ability to differentiate fat from other important tissues - such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Our innovative technology breaks up fat while preserving all other important issues.

The fat is also left in the tissues to be absorbed and metabolized. Because it is using a direct laser-beam energy, It has an effect of “burning a hole in the fat”, creating a tunnel. This laser-beam energy doesn't differentiate between fat, blood vessels, or nerves; it burns all of them in the tunnel it creates. Dr. Kjar, felt like this could have the possibility of creating long-term damage in those areas along with dimpling where the fat was/wasn’t burned away.

We use a very fine probe that requires us to make the smallest of incisions. The procedure requires minimal downtime and promises optimum results. VASER Lipo is a highly effective way to achieve the contours and body shape that you have been searching for. Smart Lipo uses a laser to target and remove fat deposits. The procedure causes minimal bruising, discomfort and side effects and when carried out by a qualified physician is extremely safe.

The downtime associated with Vaser Liposuction in comparison to CoolSculpting can also be another big deciding factor. It is true that there is downtime associated with Vaser Liposuction but depending on how your body reacts to CoolSculpting, there could be unexpected downtime after treatment too. Overall, as a clinic we believe that our patients would be happier with the results from Vaser Liposuction compared to the results from CoolSculpting and this is why we don’t offer it in our clinics.

vaser lipo vs smart lipo
VASER is actually an acronym of Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy and Resonance. In other words, VASER liposuction uses ultrasonic vibrations to liquefy and break down fat deposits. VASER is an excellent way of targeting fat without damaging the surrounding blood vessels and tissues. The great thing about this procedure is that it can be completed under local anesthetic. Forget the huge suction tubes often associated with traditional lipo treatments.


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