Types Of Liposuction- Newport Beach

types of liposuctionIn many cases, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, and other doctors from a variety of specialties are able to perform plastic surgery procedures. It is important to do your homework. Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon experienced in the procedure of choice will increase your chances of having a predictable, positive experience and an optimal outcome.

This is the traditional form of liposuction and forms the basis of most techniques of liposuction. It involves injecting fluid through a small incision, which helps to reduce bruising and pain and extracting fat through a small cannula. Liposculpture is very similar to tumescent liposuction, but it refers to the use of smaller, finer instruments. These produce more accurate body contouring, particularly when used when fat is extracted from a more superficial plane closer to the surface of the skin.

Any discomfort you might experience is normal and nothing to worry about. A short course of mild analgesics will be prescribed to manage this - you must not take aspirin or similar medication following your procedure. Liposuction is not recommended as a ‘quick fix’ for patients who are very overweight. In fact, it is often recommended that the patient is within a certain percentage of their ideal weight before undergoing liposuction.

The major side effects of each of the liposuction procedures are pain and scarring. 1. Stephan P, Kenkel J. Updates and Advances in Liposuction. 2. Venkataram J. Tumescent liposuction: A review. 3. Rama B. Rao, M.D., Susan F. Ely, M.D., M.P.H.T.M., and Robert S. Hoffman, M.D. Deaths Related to Liposuction. 4. RH G. Fatal outcomes from liposuction: census survey of cosmetic surgeons. PubMed - NCBI. Ncbinlmnihgov.

The goal of liposuction is to bring out the best in your body by reducing the unsightly fat deposits left behind even after diet and exercise. A variety of different techniques can be used to deliver the best results for every liposuction patient in Los Angeles, according to their specific needs. All liposuction techniques share the similar minimal hidden incisions resulting in inconspicuous scars.

The difference is that instead of using manual force to break up the fatty deposits, the surgeon uses ultrasound energy to literally melt the fat. This is done with a special instrument that targets only the fat cells without damaging any of the other connective tissue or nerves. This technique is usually more effective than traditional liposuction and has significantly less bruising and swelling.

Laser energy is administered in conjunction with a small canella to break up and dissolves fatty tissue beneath the skin. For the right candidate, smart liposuction can work. However, because the technique is effectively able to remove only about 4-8 ounces of fat, it is ideal for minor touchups only or smaller areas of fat pockets.

Since this procedure is intrusive and has a certain degree of risk to one's health and morality, one must always be sure that professionals are the ones handling it and not some fly by night quack doctor. Meticulous care should be given to gathering liposuction information and also information regarding the surgeon who will perform it.

24 hours before your chin liposuction, you should not consume any alcoholic beverages. Alcohol interferes with the absorption of anesthesia in the body so you should never drink before a chin liposuction or any other procedure for that matter. You don't really want to end up awake and in pain during the whole thing.

types of liposuction
The tumescent anaesthetic mixture is added to the treatment area using the micro-cannula, which softens fat, quells bleeding, and makes it easier to suction out the fat cells. The results are excellent, consistent, and replicable. NOTE: At ENRICH, we prefer to use the tumescent liposuction technique because it is reliable, consistent and gives excellent, smooth results. We do not offer laser liposuction.


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