Tummy Tuck Or Abdominal Liposuction

abdominal tummy tuckThe rewards of tummy tucks include having a slimmer figure but it may also require surgical reconstruction of the belly button. If not done properly, this disfigurement could be visible when wearing a swimsuit. Tummy tucks might not be as extensive or complicated as major liposuction procedures but this does not diminish the price tag that comes with it.

Because it is a surgical procedure, it also comes with a higher medical bill. Tummy tucks are very good in restoring normal skin tone and appearance. This is because it is capable of removing extra skin after the procedure. Women who just gave birth could benefit from this procedure because it could lessen stretch marks or loose skin.

A tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, however these may be removed or improved if they are located on the area of excess skin that will be removed. Is a tummy tuck right for me? It is important to understand that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy exercise program.

Many people coming off a tummy tuck surgery report that abdominal binders controlled their post-surgery pain and prolonged the surgery's beneficial cosmetic results. Bear in mind that swelling for up to three weeks subsequent to tummy tuck surgery is perfectly normal. The steri-strips that your cosmetic surgeon put on should not be removed - these will fall out naturally. Also, since you may be wearing a girdle compression garment or abdominal binder, and because you haven't fully healed yet, most cosmetic surgeons recommended that you avoid soaking in any kind of still water immediately following surgery.

If I do tighten the muscles, I do so moderately. In English that means I am not going to tighten you so you can bounce a quarter off your belly. Trust me, I’d love to have all women after kids have rock hard abs. Heaven knows we deserve them. The issue is the belly button.

Your typical tummy tuck includes liposuction to the abdomen, removal of excess skin and often-times, abdominal wall tightening. It’s not always necessary but it’s important for the patient to be aware of this aspect of the procedure. The tummy tuck tightens the abdominal skin but the abdominal wall is a whole different animal. Here are some new words to learn!

The area in between the muscles is the rectus diastasis. Since the fascia stretches and not the muscles, doing crunches won’t “un-stretch” the fascia. Only a tummy tuck will fix this. During the tummy tuck procedure, stitches tighten up the fascia to help flatten the tummy. So if you haven’t had kids or your abdominal wall recovered and you don’t have a rectus diastasis after pregnancy, you won’t need the abdominal wall tightening. It’s great if you don’t need it since this can be the most painful portion of the operation. Unfortunately, there’s no way to make your abdominal wall tighten after pregnancy with specific exercises. It either happens or it doesn’t. Cross your fingers you don’t need it!

You will continue to heal for several weeks. Numbness and a firm feeling over your skin’s surface will resolve over several months. The results of a tummy tuck are almost immediately visible. However, it may take several months before your final results fully develop. Your firm, flat new abdomen is relatively permanent as long as you maintain your weight and general fitness. Some of the firmness in your midsection may be lost as you age, but this is minimal compared to the initial conditions that were corrected.

Surgical removal of excess fat and skin may be combined with liposuction during a tummy tuck. There are variations in the surgery. Dr. Guarda will select the best technique for your body that will achieve a flatter profile and firmer abdomen. She may also perform liposuction to re-contour other areas of the body during the same surgical session, if you are a good candidate for combined procedures. How much does a tummy tuck cost? The cost of a tummy tuck varies based on your unique needs and whether it is combined with additional procedures.

abdominal tummy tuck
Tummy tuck surgery also called abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin, and, in some cases, restores weakened or separated muscles, to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile. Treatment can include the center of the abdomen and may extend to the entire area between the lower rib cage and pubic bone, the sides and back. Abdominal contouring can be performed using a variety of techniques, including liposuction, skin, tissue and fat excision and diastasis to correct weakened or separated muscles.


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