Tumescent Liposuction Recovery Tips

liposuction recovery tipsThese post-procedure instructions might include compression garments, absorbent pads for draining fluids, and activity warnings. Listen carefully to all of your doctor’s tumescent liposuction recovery tips, and don’t hesitate to call him or her if you have any concerns. Don’t drive. Unless you received a very small amount of liposuction (and were not sedated), you will not be able to drive after the procedure.

You are encouraged to walk the day of surgery and every day thereafter to minimize the chance of a blood clot. Q. Are there any types of diets that may be helpful towards a healthy recovery? A. Eating healthy food is always a good idea. The best option would be to avoid salty foods which may lead to increased swelling.

In order to make your liposuction recovery as successful as possible it’s important that you follow these instructions. In other words, if your surgeon says you should be walking back and forth to the kitchen, then you should probably walk back and forth to the kitchen a few times throughout the day (even if you aren’t particularly hungry). Even small amounts of movements and stretching can be good for your recovery, helping your body to promote the healing process and at bay the possibility of atrophied muscles.

Low Salt Diet: may help limit the swelling after liposuction over the first 3 weeks. Arnica and Bromelain: natural products with multiple non-specific effects including the prevention of bruising and decreased tissue inflammation. There may be positive effects with little down side, but dose and quality of products vary. Technique, amount of liposuction, and compression of liposuction areas after the procedure will help improve your recovery.

Summary: Your liposuction recovery period is an exceptionally important time when it comes to ensuring your overall results. These liposuction recovery tips can help you get through this period. The idea is that the faster you recover from liposuction, the sooner you’ll be able to really enjoy the results of this procedure. Better Recovery with Liposuction Recovery Tips? These liposuction recovery tips, in theory, can help you recover from liposuction faster than you might otherwise. But it’s important to point out a few things.

Dr. Wright uses very small micro cannulas that measure 2mm or about the size of a pencil tip - which makes this surgery one of the most minimally invasive available. This technique reduces bruising, bleeding, and damage to the surrounding tissue, and consequently shortens liposuction recovery. After the procedure, patients will be placed in a compression garment similar to a Spanx and perhaps a binder - depending on the surgical area. Compression is critical to recovering from liposuction.

During this time you should avoid using heating pads, ice-packs or other skin applications. It’s best to wear compression garments for the liposuctioned region for 4-8 weeks, depending on the amount of swelling. In most cases, you will see an improvement immediately after surgery and you will notice that you continue to improve for the next several months as the swelling subsides. Q. Is there anything the patient can do to help with the healing process during recovery?

For many patients, one of the biggest concerns is how long their liposuction recovery will take. With many of us living busy lifestyles, it may seem out-of-reach to undergo surgery. This isn't the case, however. Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgery, and most patients can resume their daily routine within a day or two. The first recommendation experts make is to seek the services of a surgeon who is experienced in the technique of performing this minimally invasive procedure.

Use a small basket or box to stock up on supplies, which might include gauze, medications, cold compresses and other medical needs your doctor might suggest. You may need to learn to care for your incision areas and dressings, so be sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions. Don’t forget to add things to stay entertained, like a new magazine or book, a favorite TV show on your laptop, or a Sudoku book, among other things.

liposuction recovery tips
Reducing Bruising - While swelling and bruises are all but unavoidable after liposuction surgery, taking good care of the affected skin areas can go a long way towards helping the healing process along. Massaging bruised areas helps prevent blood from pooling under the skin and encourages normal blood flow. Another way to minimise bruising is by applying creams that contain Arnica, a natural substance that prompts the body to send white blood cells to the area and promote healing.


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