liposuction recovery tipsIt’s different for everyone, but we may ask you to wear the compression garment 24 hours a day for the first week or two; then wear it for 12 hours a day for the week after. Walk It Off: Take it easy but recovery does not mean bed rest. The complete absence of physical exercise can lead to soreness, and more dangerously, a blood clot in your legs or lungs. Walking and some light activity will speed up the healing process. Avoid intense cardio or weight-lifting exercises. Avoid Drugs: Do not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin. These types of medication thin the blood and can increase swelling and bleeding. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

Even a few minutes a day will help, and you can increase your physical activity as you become more comfortable, or talk with us about your physical activity needs. Being kind to your body can be not just a post-liposuction mantra, but one you carry throughout your life. 2. Be prepared for possible wardrobe adjustments. After your liposuction, you will need to wear special compression garments to help your body adjust.

Dr. Nickodem may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections. Wear Your Compression Garments as Directed - You will have swelling after liposuction and will need to wear a compression garment or elastic bandages to help reduce swelling and bruising. The gentle support from the compression can also help relieve pain.

When incisions are left open after liposuction the fluid can drain out. By using compression garments your healing process can begin more quickly and the excess fluid can drain. These garments help to squeeze out any excess fluid; which helps your body to heal without the need of stitches. Many people return to work after three or more days of rest and compression garments can also help this process to go much smoother and with less discomfort. Open drainage also allows for less bruising and swelling, which speeds up the liposuction recovery time. With the use of compression garments most patients feel back to normal with no bruising or other issues by the end of a month. Of course it is important to remember that each person is different and your healing time will be unique to your body's specific needs.

As long as you have done your research and found a professional, experienced cosmetic surgeon to perform your liposuction surgery, the surgery is both safe and effective. Of course, as with any procedure, liposuction carries certain risks, and there is a recovery period"though it is generally not more than a few weeks.

First of all, eat a consistently healthy diet and continue to exercise regularly in order to maintain your current weight. Most doctors will recommend not gaining or losing weight before any body contouring procedure to ensure the results discussed in your consultation are the results you’ll see after surgery. Another way to stay healthy before surgery is to avoid illnesses as much as possible. Wash your hands frequently and stay away from anyone showing obvious signs of illness to prevent catching a cold or flu bug right before your surgery.

1. Pay special care to your dressings and compression garments. Compression garments are essential to help shape the body after liposuction. They help reduce the risk of loosening of the skin and assist your body in creating the desired contours. However, make sure your garment isn’t so constricting that it is causing numbness or digging into the skin, which could lead to infection.

Wear your pressure garment! Liposuction inflammation occurs from the surgery and because of the tumescent fluids the cosmetic surgeon injects into you to soften your fat for removal. If you drink caffeine drinks or diet sodas, you cut down the circulation to the surgical area and it takes much longer for your swelling to go down. Do not smoke. If you do, you can kill your tissues by choking your circulation completely.

Your doctor knows what’s best for you to recover completely and will give you a list of actions you can take to help your body heal. This may mean wearing a compression garment for a certain length of time or avoiding any heavy lifting. If you have any questions about the recovery process that your doctor has laid out for you, be sure to ask for clarity. Staying hydrated is always important for the body to function properly and it’s especially important as you recover from a liposuction operation.

liposuction recovery tips
Your plastic surgeon devises a care plan based on your individual needs, so if there are specific instructions, your doctor included them for a reason. Proper recovery care will not only keep you feeling your best, but will also ensure the best liposuction results, as well as reduce the risk of any complications developing.


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