Tips For Your Smoothest Liposuction Recovery

liposuction recovery tipsLiposuction is one of the top requested plastic surgeries available in the world of body contouring today. It offers men and women a second chance to have the body they want by removing fat deposits that diet and exercise can’t. Even with today’s medical advancements, some patients still resist liposuction because they fear a long recovery may lie ahead. While enhanced techniques have minimized recovery times, there are even more tactics patients can utilize to ensure a quick and smooth recovery following liposuction surgery.

You may want information regarding liposuction costs . It helps to decrease surgery anxiety when have as much liposuction information as possible. You may take from a few weeks up to three full months for the swelling to go down after liposculpture. Your liposuction result depends on the area of male liposuction and how dense the fat is.

If you wait until pain is unbearable, then you are not managing. Moving around, just walking ten minutes a day helps get the blood flowing and reduces the risk of blood clots. Liposuction recovery is not as intense as some surgical procedures, but you still may find yourself away from your usual active routine. Don’t rush or push yourself back into activity, just add time and distance to your walks until you feel ready to get back to the every day routines. At Rockstar Beauty, we are here to support our rockstars. We’re going to keep in touch with you, including follow up calls and regular check-ins, but we strongly encourage our patients to err on the side of caution and contact us when you have a doubt.

Neither opt for heavy workouts nor stay inactive as both can increase risk factors. Steer clear of swimming, soaking in a bath, etc. for at least a week after undergoing the surgery. Do not travel or take long flights immediately after the Liposuction as a long journey can increase the risk of blood clots in your legs. Do not drive yourself home immediately after surgery as you will not be in your best condition. The results of Liposuction can last forever if the recovery guidelines are followed strictly and a healthy weight is maintained. In short, it is worth all the efforts.

While it’s important not to overdo it when it comes to exercising, incorporating some light walking will help get the blood flowing and speed up the recovery process significantly. Dr. Ayoub provides his patients with a compression garment to wear following liposuction. The purpose of it is to ensure the body is shaped properly and the body’s blood flow is regulated throughout the recovery process.

Tumescent liposuction is done under either local or general anaesthesia with a faster recovery period. Usually, this procedure is done on an out patient basis. However, hospital stay depends on the need for intravenous infusion and the degree of fat removal from the body. At the time of discharge, you will be asked to continue pain killers and antibiotics for at least 24 - 48 hours.

Most strenuous exercises and activities are off limits for at least 10 days, but often longer. Follow your surgeon’s timeline for restrictions and instructions to speed up your post-operative surgery. As the date of your liposuction procedure approaches, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself and stay healthy enough for surgery.

Quitting smoking and quitting or altering some medications is one of them and it is for all the surgical procedures including liposuction. Sufficient intake of fluids is necessary for quick and risk free recovery. Fluid intake can be in the form of water, health drinks or juices but avoid alcoholic drinks both before and after the surgery. Keep the area of surgery clean and do not apply any cleansing liquid because it can increase the risks of infection.

To ensure that you minimize post-surgery risks and promote quick recovery, here are four tips. You should always be drinking a lot of water, as it is important to your overall well-being; however, hydration is particularly important after your liposuction surgery"or any surgery for that matter. Drinking water will ensure that your organs remain functional and that your blood continues to circulate optimally.

liposuction recovery tips
Be sure to plan two to three purely rest days following your surgery. Don’t strain yourself doing things on your own; have someone available to help you during this time. Extra tip: depending on your area of liposuction, you may not want to climb stairs following your procedure. Set up a comfortable area to rest downstairs, preferably one close the kitchen, television, and bathroom. Pain medication can cause some people to lose their appetites, but what you’re eating during your recovery is important.


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