The Truth Behind VASER Liposuction Recovery

liposuction recoveryThere are a number of main areas that are well suited to this form of liposuction, and this includes the thighs, love handles, arms, chest, chin, neck and knees, alongside the stomach (a key focus area for many patients). While VASER Liposuction is a less invasive method of liposuction, there is still plenty of recovery time needed in order for the full-results to be seen.

Liposuction is generally not covered by health insurance and will most likely an out-of-pocket expense for you. If cost is an issue, check with your plastic surgeon regarding any financing options he or she may have or know of that can help you get your desired look. Q: How safe is liposuction? A: Liposuction is quite safe and is a very popular procedure.

Drinking plenty of water will help keep the swelling down, and the liquid prevents dehydration from the fluid loss from the procedure. 2. Eat apples and pineapples post-op to reduce bruising. Don’t bother with arnica (it doesn’t work) for bruising"try eating apples and pineapples instead. It might be in baby food or mashed form at first as you transition from liquids and soft foods to a regular diet, but apples and pineapples are good sources of bromelain and quercetin"which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Drink adequate amounts of water to prevent dehydration. Avoid alcoholic beverages for 48 hours after surgery as alcohol can make bleeding and bruising worse. Late during the first day or evening after the surgery you are welcome to take a short walk if desired. You may carefully resume exercise and vigorous physical activity 2-4 days after surgery.

· It is essential to ensure that the blood pressure is well controlled. · Application of icepack directed by the physician during the first 3 days. A chin strap should be worn day and night for 7 days and after that, you need to wear it only at night for an additional 2-3 weeks.

5 - 6 days and then the cover may be removed. The use of painkillers depends on every individual. Usually, it is not necessary or 1 - 2 tablets of Ibuprofen are sufficient. Tummy is a specific locality where rather strong sensitive nerves to innervate the tummy skin get out of rectus abdominis muscles.

Also it would be good for a patient to start with a gentle workout right after the procedure. The intensity of exercise should increase during time. If you have done this procedure, you should know that the removed fat could come back. Proper eating habits and everyday workout will help you keep your weight under control.

Now, there are some things that I can do to help with your recovery. For a while I used pain pumps/bulbs. These were often helpful, but were cumbersome to patients (you have extra tubes hanging out of you for several days and that can be annoying). I now routinely use a long acting (lasts about 3 days) numbing agent called Exparel.

Doctors leave this open so that the liquid can drain from it, which quickens the healing process and minimizes bruising. This drainage is a blood-tinged liquid, usually a pink or orange color that will last the first day or two. It is best for patients to expect this and plan ahead with appropriate bed coverings so that their best sheets are not stained.

liposuction recovery
After liposuction, recovery will vary significantly from patient to patient, but also depends heavily on the length of procedure undergone, the number and extent of treatment areas, the volume of fat removed, and the type of anesthesia given. It is important to plan for sufficient rest and recovery time to allow your body to completely heal after liposuction.


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