The Liposuction Recovery Guide

liposuction recoveryMine has gone down a lot, but speak to your surgeon if you have concerns. If you have any numbness, it should go away in around six to eight weeks after the procedure, and you can use painkillers to relieve any pain from swelling or bruising. You’ll take a little while to recover from liposuction, although you should be fine to head back to work in a couple of days if a small area was all that was treated.

Scars are also becoming thinner and less conspicuous, but may stay pink for up to a year. Also, this is the point where swelling is mostly gone and results are usually so close to final that the only people who will notice further changes are you and your plastic surgeon. In other words, it’s now safe to invest in wardrobe upgrades to show off your improved shape. 6 months post-op: you’ve reached the finish line! With most liposuction patients, residual swelling is gone and scars are significantly faded by their 6-month anniversary after surgery.

What does it do? Excess fat tends to accumulate in both arms togather with weight gain. Person face laxity in this area after massive weight loss or with body ageing. Arm Lift is a surgical procedure to tighten the skin in the arms through the removal of excess fat deposits as well as skin.

This is normal. Be sure to wear your compression garments exactly as advised, as this will help the bruising and swelling to subside as quickly as possible. Most bruising and swelling should be gone by the end of the first week. Any pain you experience will likely be concentrated in the first day or two after your surgery.

Your recovery can be a good excuse to have the kids or your spouse do the chores around the house! Although many people do take a full week off, you might feel ready to go back to work after just a few days. If you have a relatively sedentary job like a desk job, going back to work early might be fine.

As mentioned earlier, the length of recovery from liposuction varies but the timeline below will give you an idea what to expect following surgery. You will most likely feel pain and sore right after the effects of anesthesia has worn off. While pain will be tolerable and manageable around this time, you may be prescribed pain relievers that you can take if the pain is quite debilitating.

Understand the body needs time to recover from liposuction, so ask for some help to do household chores or other normal duties around the house for a few weeks. Finally, Dr. Myers will give patients a recommended plan for recovering quickly and safely. Every patient’s procedure is slightly different due to health differences, so his plan will be tailored specifically to the patient. Our team at Myers Plastic Surgery wants patients in The Woodlands to enjoy the benefits of their liposuction procedure for years to come. But to do that, taking care of the body in the first few weeks following the procedure is critical.

Tumescent liposuction allows a much easier recovery than traditional liposuction as the tissue damage is limited. The bruising normally goes down within two weeks. The final results will be visible after about four months when your body has fully recovered from treatment. Recovery from vaser liposuction is quite quick as the incisions are minimal and blood loss, swelling, and bruising are reduced.

Other people will find that they have a deep bruise. A deep bruise is where the body is producing its own fibrosis and healing of collagen, together with possibly some fluid that has remained under the skin; this will often feel hard and there may still be some numbness apparent.

liposuction recovery
8. Limit Activity- Plan on limiting your activities for a few weeks after liposuction. You’ll need several days to a week off from work. Most patients resume normal activities within a week and can exercise fully at 3-4 weeks. 9. Take Pain Medications- Most patients find the pain after liposuction is not severe and that it resolves quickly.


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