The Benefits & Risks Of New Procedures

liposuction risksAdditionally, patients often have to have 6 treatments over a 2 week period. Nutritional supplements are also recommended for purchase, as well as a diet and exercise program for results to be seen. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical, cryolipolysis procedure developed by dermatologists at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Cryolipolysis reduces fat tissue instead of just shrinking fat cells by using a targeted cooling process that kills fat cells underneath the skin by freezing them to the point of elimination-a process called apoptosis.

What are the risks of liposuction? The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal. You will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of liposuction are acceptable. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure and any risks and potential complications.

Infection Although liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, any type of invasive procedure comes with with the risk of infection, as bacteria may be introduced into the body. Lidocaine Reaction A reaction to the substance injected into the body, a lidocaine solution, is rare but it can occur. This reaction may vary from mild to life-threatening.

Just do your homework and make certain your doctor is trained and experienced. Plastic surgery can create very beautiful results when the proper procedure is done on a properly selected appropriate patient. If you are considering any type of plastic surgery do your homework. Read more about the procedure you are interested in.

Infection- At certain times, if the procedure is not conducted in a sterile environment, it could lead to severe infection which can even be life threatening. Fat embolism- This is a medical emergency situation where pieces of fat may get trapped in the blood vessel and gather in the lungs. This then travels to the brain.

Damage to the underside of the skin can cause permanent discolouration (a condition called erythema ab lipoaspiration). One of the risks of liposuction on the back, this can lead to the death of skin tissue (necrosis) and, eventually, a large and unsightly scar that will not adequately fade away over time.

So how does liposuction under general and local anesthesia compare? Safety of tumescent and laser-assisted liposuction: review of the literature. Tierney EP, Kouba DJ, Hanke CW. Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02111, USA. Tumescent liposuction (TL) allows the removal of large volumes of fat with minimal blood loss or postoperative morbidity, excellent cosmesis, and a remarkable safety profile.

Ultrasonic assisted liposuction (UAL) is any modified liposuction technique that delivers ultrasonic energy to subcutaneous fat in an effort to facilitate traditional negative-pressure liposuction. UAL has become less popular because of an increased awareness among liposuction surgeons that UAL is associated with increased risks of complications. The concept of UAL is intuitively appealing. A piezoelectric crystal converts electric energy to rapid (ultrasonic) vibrations and heat that are transmitted to a small metal rod or paddle and thus injure living tissue.

As the name implies, this treatment utilizes ultrasound to break down subcutaneous fat for easier removal. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is best for contouring the sides, back and upper abdomen. This technique utilizes low-energy laser to break down subcutaneous fat. When the fatty tissues are liquefied, it is sucked by a small cannula.

liposuction risks

In some cases, liposuction alone can significantly improve the neck appearance. Liposuction is also frequently combined with surgical neck rejuvenation, and in selected cases some direct excision of fat (through a hidden incision below the chin) is performed. The reduction of fat in the area below the jawline and in the anterior neck almost always makes the neck appear longer, and makes the patient’s profile appear more elegant or refined.


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