Side Effects And Scars After Liposuction

liposuction scarsWill liposuction still work on skin with less elasticity? Depending on the elasticity of a patient’s skin, liposuction will look more or less natural. With good skin elasticity, such as in a young person, skin should appear smooth. What degree of scarring can I expect from liposuction? Scars after liposuction can occur, but usually to a minimal degree. The incisions used in the procedure are small, with the amount of scarring depending on the surgeon’s technique and the patient’s genetic tendency to develop scars.

Since surgery (laser, radio wave, injection) is usually performed under anesthesia (local or general), the patient does not experience pain or any discomfort. The duration of liposuction in the leg area can be from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the case and the area of the proposed intervention. The rehabilitation period lasts for 3-4 weeks, but patients can return to the usual rhythm of life within a week after the operation. 1. Disproportionately large ankles. 2. Sagging skin in the thigh area. 4. Excess fat deposits on the inner and outer thighs.

The skin is a massive organ that requires nutrients from fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and high-quality protein sources to thrive. During times of injury and stress the skin requires more healthy building blocks to be able to repair properly. Water. Drinking plenty of clean water can help the body to eliminate stress hormones and toxins and medications released during surgery. Moisture. Topical creams can't reverse scarring.

Declining summer activities because your swimsuit will reveal your scars is even worse. It’s pretty understandable that many people are worried about the resulting scars. After all, one of the reasons for going through with vaser liposuction is to achieve a body you will be proud to show off. What is the reality? The reality is that vaser liposuction, just like most forms of liposuction involves making an incision on the affected area.

Several different liposuction techniques are currently in use, including dry, tumescent, super-wet, internal and external ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) and power-assisted liposuction (PAL). Newer procedures, like laser liposuction, emulsify the fat which is then drained or absorbed by the body with no vacuum required. Regardless of the type of liposuction, incisions are a standard operating procedure.

Scars also occur from the use of a suctioning device or tube. This tube known as a cannula performs a back and forth motion as it sucks out the excess fatty deposits. As the tube pushes and pulls against the skin layers, tunnel scars can occur. The visibility of tunnel scars will be more severe when a larger tube is used or when removing excessive amounts of fat in a single procedure.

This process begins before you even head in for liposuction. Drinking plenty of water may not hydrate your skin, but it’s still important for overall health and to be as healthy as possible when heading into surgery. Ensuring that your liposuction scars heal fully and with a minimal amount of damage does not end once you have the procedure, though.

How does my skin elasticity affect the results of liposuction? The appearance of skin after liposuction depends on the skin’s elasticity. Skin with good elasticity should look smooth and natural after liposuction. Even with poor skin elasticity, the skin usually looks good after liposuction. Younger people generally have better skin elasticity than older people.

Keep in mind that the more areas that are treated, the more scarring you may have. Also, your genetics play a role in how large the scars may appear. If you have a darker skin tone, the scaring will be more apparent. Dark skin is apt to develop keloid scars making the discoloration around the scar more noticeable. It is always important to talk to the physician and find out his or her methods and ask plenty of questions.

liposuction scars
Laser procedures are often used by people who want to eliminate liposuction scars. If laser removal doesn't get rid of the scarring completely, it should at least make the scars less noticeable. You could also try dermabrasion to make your scars flatten out if they are raised or lemon juice to lighten the color of your scars. Your best chance of getting rid of liposuction scars is probably with laser treatment. Using lasers for scar removal can be expensive and is also not guaranteed to work.


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