Seroma After Tummy Tuck - Signs, Prevention, Complications, Types, Procedure

tummy tuck procedureYou could have unsightly scars. There is also the danger of the surgical would to open up, the medical term for this condition is wound dehiscence. When the wound opens up, it could lead to further medical condition thus, another surgery is required to close the wound. Untreated, unmanaged infection of the seroma could be life threatening and even fatal, so immediate care and management is vital.

Updated on June 12, 2014 Sree Lakshmi moreTrained in dentistry, Sree is currently studying lab sciences. She enjoys researching various health topics and writing about her findings. Contact Author What is a tummy tuck? There are many reasons why people undergo the medical procedure abdominoplasty, or more popularly known as tummy tuck. The number one reason though is to lose those sagging belly fats.

This usually works by the patient paying a down payment. Then they pay monthly installments back to the plastic surgeons office that performed the surgery. This is a great option if the mini tummy tuck cost a bit more than you can afford in one lump sum. Mini Tummy Tuck Vs. A regular abdominoplasty surgery, also known as a Tummy Tuck, is the most common type of cosmetic surgery. In a full tummy tuck procedure the surgeon will be focusing on three areas of the abdomen.

Women with stretched areas of the stomach caused by previous pregnancies can benefit substantially from abdominoplasty. Other persons whose skin no longer has the same elasticity and are somewhat obese can experience an improvement in their abdominal area. Who Should Get a Tummy Tuck? A “modified” abdominoplasty can sometimes be performed when the full procedure is not required, usually resulting in a shorter scar.

Because liposuction is an outpatient procedure, regular activity can be resumed fairly quickly. You should be able to do anything you usually do within the next 48 hours. However, you should hold off on heavy weight lifting and extensive cardio until you’ve gotten approval from your doctor. When you wake up, your incision will be covered in surgical dressing, which will need to be changed several times. Within one day, you should be up and walking (with assistance) to prevent the formation of blood clots.

With a mini-tummy tuck, the surgeon can place the incision as low as possible; it can be hidden in the pubic bone area. The abdominal skin that is removed is below the navel, and there are no incisions around the navel. The length of the mini-tummy tuck incision will vary based on how much skin your surgeon removes.

Each time you empty a bulb and before you close it again, you will be asked to squeeze it to help drain the wound. The goal of your aesthetic plastic surgeon and staff is to help you achieve the best results and to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable as possible. What are my options?

The color of the fluid is yellowish. The leak could lead to an accumulation of fluid in the dead tissue part. This is seroma. A seroma after tummy tuck is not an infection or an error committed during the surgery. Sometimes, the fluid just accumulates and the body cannot drain it by itself.

A tummy tuck is a surgery treatment that firms loose epidermis and stomach muscle tissues. However, it’s noted that it’s not really an alternative to weight reduction in any way. Losing off several pounds as well as removing fats is accomplished through different types of diet programs and not from a tummy tuck procedure. This specific operative process is only intended to complement weight reduction. Before jumping into an enhancement medical procedure such as this, make sure you take into consideration a few points to make sure that your decision is a well-thought one.

tummy tuck procedure

While it is essential to know that there is always a possibility for things to go wrong, it is wise to follow recovery tips for your body after the tummy tucking process is over. Here are some of those mentioned below. It is highly recommended that you stop smoking at least 20 days before and after the tummy tucking surgery to avoid any sort of complications in the same.


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