Each surgeon has their personal preference for activity level, pain medication, compression garments and other aspects of recovery that they feel work best for their patients. As for my own preferences, I tell patients to drink plenty of fluids, avoid high-sodium foods (including soft drinks) and eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Apply an ice pack for about 20 minutes out of every hour to give your skin some breathing room. This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.
You can even give yourself a lymphatic drainage massage at home as part of your daily recovery routine. 4. Use aromatherapy to help boost the immune system and ward off depression. Some essential oils used in aromatherapy are known to be anti-pathogenic, which can help keep bacteria and viruses at bay while you’re more vulnerable to infections.
Surprisingly, this boosts immunity as well. 3. Use Compression Garment - Wearing an elastic compression garment is a must for at least 3-4 weeks post-surgery. It provides the required support and helps in draining the fluids and keeps incision sites protected. This also reduces pain and discomfort. 4. Avoid Swimming - During the recovery process, you need to avoid swimming or immerse in a bathtub as this may affect the incision sites. Also, there may be chances of infections.
Summary: If you’re planning on getting liposuction to trim down some unwanted fat, you probably can’t wait to see your final results. Liposuction patients should keep in mind that their end results aren’t only about choosing a cosmetic surgeon specializing in liposuction and ensuring candidacy. A major influencer of your liposuction results is also whether you allow your body a proper recovery.
Promoting Healthy Healing - To help the healing process along, it is vital that you avoid smoking in the weeks before and after the procedure, as smoking constricts the blood vessels and slows healing. The same goes for drinking, since alcohol can cause dehydration, which also slows the healing process. Lastly, support the body’s skin regenerating processes by eating protein-rich foods throughout the recovery period. By keeping your incisions clean while they heal fully, and moisturising the scars once they appear, you can reduce the chances of any lasting visible scars.
Research has shown that Centella asiatica 250 mg, a nutritional supplement, helps lessen healing time and makes healed tissues stronger. I took 2 capsules twice a day. Ask your doctor there is any reason why you couldn't take Centella asiatica for your liposuction recovery. Touch-ups for bumpy areas can usually be done in the office, using a local anesthesia, or injections to stop the pain. General anesthesia is usually not required when doing touch-up liposuction for men.
Life can be painful after liposuction, but the good news is that you can accelerate your healing with a few little-known tricks. If you’re ready to get off the couch and back to your regular life, here are four things you can do right now. Reduce the swelling of the affected area by applying a cold compress to it. Just make sure you aren’t putting the compress directly on your skin; you’ll want some kind of cloth or rag to act as an intermediary. Keep it on for 20 minutes at a time.
You’re totally jazzed about showing off your new body after liposuction and you want to speed up your recovery. Here’s a tips to rev up your recovery and start flaunting your new figure sooner! Be Educated: Understand the extent and type of liposuction that you had, any issues and your after-care instructions.