This will help the skin conform to the new contours and will reduce swelling. Begin massaging the area as instructed beginning with the first shower. Applying cream is an opportunity to deeply massage the area. Massage should be done 3 times per day. There is no need to remove the compression garment when conducting massage.
At The Cosmetic Concierge, the same intensive monitoring and treatment that occurs in the operating room continues into the recovery room and beyond. What is Liposuction Recovery? Your liposuction recovery is primarily determined by how many areas of your body undergo treatment and the types of liposuction treatment you choose to utilize. VASER® liposuction has minimized the costs of recovery, including postoperative downtime. Residents of Charlotte, Ballantyne and surrounding North Carolina communities interested in body shaping can turn to Dr. Sherie and The Cosmetic Concierge for a range of flawless liposuction treatments, now including VASER® liposuction.
One of the myths and misconceptions about liposuction is that recovery is a long process. On average, people who get lipo experience pretty short recoveries. Typically"as long as your lipo isn’t incredibly demanding"patients can return to work and most activities within a couple weeks. There’s no need to stay cooped up in bed for weeks on end. Plus, liposuction is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning you’ll be able to return home shortly after your procedure without staying the night at a medical center.
However, in some cases a plastic surgeon may choose to perform frontal thigh liposuction in order to maintain balance with the rest of the thigh and leg. That said, “the front thigh has a different density of fat, and should be suctioned in the deeper plane to avoid contour irregularity,” Trussler warns. The decision of which areas of the thigh and leg will be liposuctioned depends on the individual needs and desires of the patient, as well as observations by the surgeon.
Sometimes exercise is not enough to remove hard to get rid of fat cells. Compare CoolSculpting and liposuction to see which might be right for you. CoolSculpting® and liposuction are common procedures used to remove hard to get rid of fat cells. CoolSculpting® uses cold temperatures to freeze and kill fat cells, while liposuction involves surgically removing fat from underneath the skin.
When will you be able to return to your regular activities? To help alleviate your pre-surgery anxiety, we’ve prepared a little guide for you so you know what to expect from your laser liposuction recovery. Embrace the excitement. Soon, you’re going to look amazing. During surgery, small incisions will be made in the treatment area.
We encourage recipients of cosmetic surgery, including liposuction to resume normal activities after the day of surgery if they feel comfortable. Light exercise such as walking is advised over the more strenuous activities such as running or weight training. It is best to increase the intensity of exercise little by little and resume light cardio and more vigorous training after 3 weeks of recovery.
After the completion of the surgery, a kind of soreness and heaviness may be felt by the patients in their arms. Complete rest is recommended by the surgeons for 5 days after the procedure. The patients are usually instructed to wear a compression sleeve around their arms. This helps to hold the area of operation, together. Even the incision is held at the right place, by this compression sleeve. This sleeve should be worn for around 4 weeks after the procedure and you should rest the arm, as much as possible.