New Reflections Plastic Surgery

liposuction recoveryWhile the fat that is removed during your liposuction procedure is gone for good, you are not immune from gaining more fat from an unhealthy lifestyle. Some patients view liposuction as a lasting solution for eliminating their stubborn fat and believe that they can simply eat and live however they’d like after their surgery without fear of repercussions. In order to maintain your results and continue enjoying your new contours well into the future, you should be prepared to eat healthy, exercise regularly and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

For many patients, one of the biggest concerns is how long their liposuction recovery will take. With many of us living busy lifestyles, it may seem out-of-reach to undergo surgery. This isn't the case, however. Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgery, and most patients can resume their daily routine within a day or two.

In Orange County, liposuction specialist offers the latest techniques in this procedure. No matter what technique you opt for, you need to know what to expect in the recovery period. This knowledge is important as it makes the recovery period much easier to sail through. After undergoing this surgery, you may be fitted with a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for a few weeks. Your doctor may prescribe some antibiotics to prevent infection. Don't expect to look or feel great right after the surgery.

Following one week the customer should return for a checkup and change the dressing. Second check up comes one month later of abdomen liposuction recovery. The customer should wear special tight garments for the time which was suggested by the specialist. Conceivable development confinements are set by the specialist independently.

Using current technology, the cannula breaks up the fat tissue by a “jackhammer” action. The fat is then suctioned out through the cannula, by the vacuum action of the suction pump. New technology and techniques have significantly improved the safety and recovery time after liposuction in the last two decades. Other more recent advances in technique relate to how easily the fat is removed.

You will receive an antiseptic solution to use in the shower. Use it until your incisions are no longer draining. Before taking a shower, let your caretaker known and leave the bathroom door unlocked for your safety. If you faint or fall, you will need a hand up. After you shower, you will need to apply a topical antibiotic ointment to the incisions before dressing them with the provided pad and tape.

Remember to take your prescribed medications according to instructions. Light activity is good for liposuction patients, but you should refrain from strenuous activities and stop any activity that cases additional discomfort. At the end of the first week, you will return to the office for a follow-up visit. We will look at the treatment area, talk to you about your recovery, and either clear you to return to work or recommend taking a few more days off.

Today, the growing popularity of selfies has fuelled the demand for chin liposuction. Everyone wants to look attractive in the selfies they post on social media platform like Instagram and Facebook for others to likes and comment on. A double chin can make you look unattractive and older than you really are. In top NYC surgical practices, chin liposuction procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using the advanced FDA approved laser-assisted liposuction device, Smartlipo Triplex. The aesthetic surgeon first numbs the treatment area using a local anesthethic and creates a tiny incision.

Reading material, TV remote, medication, snacks and cold drinks should all be accessible without having to move around excessively. It is helpful to have the bed situated so that it is not necessary to use stairs. See before and after pictures of real patients treated by Dr. Younai to see what kind of results he can get for you. Nausea medication is provided to all patients as it is quite common for nausea to be an issue during the first 24 to 48 hours.

liposuction recovery
By doing this, his procedure is geared towards a general proportionate appearance. With everything taken into account, in case you’re hoping to reduce your waistline and diet and exercise have not done the trip, Korean abdomen liposuction might be the way to the figure you merit. Are fit, well and in relatively good shape. Never opted the Korean abdomen liposuction before as this can make the tissue more fibrous and harder to treat. Have more subcutaneous fat than the stomach intestinal fat.


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