Liposuction Vs. Tummy Tuck: Here's The Skinny

tummy tuck vs liposuctionConfused about the differences between a tummy tuck and liposuction? Patients from all over the Toronto area " Oakville, Brampton, Mississauga, and other communities " seem to have the same question: “Which one do I need? ” The answer in many cases: both. That’s because the goals of the 2 procedures can be complementary: Liposuction can sculpt the final touches after a tummy tuck. Perhaps the most obvious difference is that liposuction is more versatile.

These steps aid the liquefaction of fat under the surface for easy suctioning. The doctor proceeds to suction the liquefied fat, leaving a reasonable amount for the desired contouring. The removal of fat visibly reduces the protrusion and helps the underlying muscle stand out. Once the doctor successfully suctions the unwanted fat, we provide a compression garment to keep the area covered. This protective dressing should remain on for the two weeks after the procedure, or as long as the doctor recommends.

Body contouring procedures are a great way to attain your aesthetic body goals, especially when you are trying to correct imperfections that are unresponsive to, or cannot be fixed with, diet and exercise. For women and men alike, the abdomen, waist, and hips tend to accumulate stubborn fat that is difficult to lose.

Wearing a compression garment during the recovery period is important. Most patients will take off from work for a couple of days or up to a week, depending on how many areas of the body are being treated. Patients usually report they have some discomfort but not pain - often equating the feeling to working out too hard at the gym.

There are still a couple of differences which makes these procedures different from each other. Who is the candidate for which procedure? There are a couple of differences which should be kept in mind before the surgery these difference will define which treatment is good for you. The procedure not just removes fat but also the excess skin of the body. Pregnancy and excess weight gain can stretch the body of a person.

Many patients can return to a desk job after 10 to 14 days. Strenuous work or activities should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks. Fat removal from liposuction is immediate, but you won’t be able to see the final results until the swelling goes down. After a few months, you will be able to enjoy your new body, and your most troublesome areas won’t be an issue anymore.

Your surgeon will make one incision across the pubic area and remove any excess skin. A full tuck is best for patients who have a lot of excess skin and abdominal muscles that need tightening. Two incisions are made: one around the navel and the other across the lower abdomen.

You’ll likely be taking prescription pain relievers and antibiotics to help ease any discomfort and reduce your risk of infection. Surgical drains may also be in place for up to two weeks. It takes six weeks for the initial recovery phase of a tummy tuck to pass, and you’ll need several follow-up appointments with your doctor to check on how your incision is healing. During this time, you should avoid any position that involves abdominal extension or bending backwards, which may pull or place too much tension on the incision.

On the most basic level, the difference between a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and liposuction is that a tummy tuck is most useful in correcting loose skin and stretched muscles, whereas liposuction is useful only in getting rid of excess fat. Most women who seek out abdominal plastic surgery do so after having children. Pregnancy takes a considerable toll on the entire body, but especially on the stomach area: it causes a widening of the muscles of the abdomen, and it stretches the skin there as well.

tummy tuck vs liposuction
Tummy tuck which is also known as abdominoplasty and liposuction are two different procedure to change the shape and contour of the midsection of a person’s body. Both of these procedures makes the abdomen of a person flatter, tighter and smaller. Both of the procedures are cosmetic procedures and are performed by a cosmetic surgeon. Even though the goals of these procedures are the same.


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