How Long Is Recovery From Liposuction?

liposuction recoveryThis means that you should not go in the bath, hot tub, pool, or sea. If you begin to notice any severe pain, redness, or heat in the treatment area and are concerned about the appearance of the site, you should seek medical advice to ensure that the incisions are not infected.

And when you see your results at the three month mark (when most of the swelling is gone), you will probably agree with most of my patients: that it was totally worth it. This needs to be said. There are risks of the surgery. And the more aggressive the surgery, the greater the risk of complication. While I do strive for a dramatic result, my top priority that will not be compromised is your safety (read that one again, too).

You should remember that everybody is unique so as the recovery period. Ask your surgeon to provide you with all the details of the procedure. If you decide to get liposuction in Poland you should stay a day after in the clinic and stay in Poland for at least 3 days. Do not forget to take contact information of your surgeon.

When we talk about vaser liposuction treatments having minimal downtime what we are really saying is that the time spent in clinic after the procedure is minimal with patients leaving once the procedure is over. Compared to surgical liposuction or surgical procedures such as an abdominoplasty where you may be required to stay overnight, the downtime for vaser liposuction is minimal but it doesn’t mean you are fully recovered once you are back home. When we are not feeling 100% the temptation is to snack on unhealthy food and opt for quick easy meals and takeaways rather than eating healthy.

As your skin regenerates and your body attempts to combat any swelling that is taking place, proper hydration will be key to this effort. After your liposuction surgery, your doctor will give you some information on how to keep treated areas clean to avoid any potential infections. Any bandages that are being used should be changed regularly to help ensure the area stays clean as well.

Many cosmetic surgeries result in complications, risks and side effects and thereafter liposuction recovery procedures. Liposuction falls in the category with the most potential risks. The risks vary from mild, moderate to severe. It generally occurs due to the carelessness of the patient; however a few risks or side effects might occur due to hormonal imbalances, or other physical factors and is frequently observed during liposuction recovery treatments. Patients need to go through multiple check ups before and after attempting liposuction to avoid the complications.

The alkaline water can help decrease inflammation everywhere in your body; not just in your surgery recovery area. Alkaline water also shifts your body chemistry to a fat burning state. You may even be able to use the alkaline water as a liposuction alternative! Remember, surgery recovery from inner thigh liposuction and abdominal liposuction can be challenging. The tissues are soft. They swell and bruise easily after liposuction. Thigh liposuction can leave bruises and dents if you don't wear your pressure garment as directed. Click here for more liposuction recovery ideas.

If the surgeon uses the open-drainage technique mentioned above, 80-90% of the swelling will resolve itself in about 4 weeks. If the surgeon elects to close the incisions using stitches, the swelling can last for up to 8-12 weeks. Can Seromas be Prevented or Easily Reduced? Seroma happens when fluid leaks out of nearby blood and lymphatic vessels that have been damaged during the surgery. They accumulate inside a cavity in the body. The wearing of compression garments can prevent seromas as well as reduce their size and number thanks to the open-draining of fluid.

You will need to wear elastic compression garments over the treated areas to control the bruising and swelling and to help your skin to shrink back smoothly over your new body contour. You might be asked to get up and walking soon after your surgery to decrease the risk of developing blood clots. How much time you need to recover will depend on how many areas of the body have been treated, what volume of fat has been removed, and your own body’s individual healing response.

liposuction recovery
My husband was entirely supportive and I was lucky enough to be able to take the time off work to recover and to heal my body. I have to say, I am completely delighted with the results and have never been happier with my body. I am even able to go shopping for clothes in regular clothing stores - something that had sadly eluded me for a year or more now.


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