This makes it ideal for people who have lost a significant amount of weight, have has multiple pregnancies, or have a lot of sagging skin. Sometimes a tummy tuck may be combined with liposuction. A mini tummy tuck can chi nay be help get rid of the small pooch of fat on your lower abdominals.
The incision will run from hipbone to hipbone, as well as near the belly button to free surrounding skin and tissue. It’s my priority to make this incision as low as possible, so it’s covered by a bathing suit and underwear. Embrace® scar therapy is also an option to help minimize scarring.
Is a mini tummy tuck the same as a full tummy tuck, but for people who only have a small amount of skin to remove? Does a mini tummy tuck have smaller scars? Does a mini tummy tuck have a shorter recovery? A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive surgery that can be a great option for some people.
Endoscopic surgery leaves smaller scars than traditional surgery and may reduce bleeding, bruises and swelling. This surgery is similar to a tummy tuck but is more complex. Panniculectomy cuts out the large abdominal apron of fat that hangs down in obese people or those who have lost a great deal of weight. If a patient has firm, elastic skin, he or she may be able to have liposuction instead of a tummy tuck.
After you have lost a lot of weight, you may notice some major changes to the appearance of your skin as well as your overall body contour. This is because when you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate the added girth. When you lose weight, the skin will only shrink back so much. The only way to remove this excess skin is to meet with a plastic surgeon.
Generally, fat is only removed from the lower stomach area and the only incision will be placed as low as possible, around your bikini line. This option is great for those who are in relatively good shape but wish to remove small, stubborn areas of fat or loose skin. For both the full and mini tummy tucks it’s recommended that you be in good overall health as well as near your ideal weight.
During a mini tummy tuck, the surgeon makes a small incision - usually a few inches long - in your lower abdominal area. Through this incision we are able to tighten muscles if necessary, as well as remove select areas of fat if you’ve chosen to have liposuction as part of your mini tummy tuck. The incision is important in that it also allows us to remove excess skin, sometimes including stretch marks, which lets us to create a more tight, firm tummy area. The placement of the incision means it can usually be hidden by a bathing suit bottom.
If you have tried dieting and exercise to get a better stomach and haven’t had the success you want, a tummy tuck could be a solution. The Pooch: No matter how many crunches you do, you still have a little bulge under your belly button that won’t lie flat. Liposuction can suction the fat out and slim that little bump.