We use a special kind of internal stitch called a Quill suture to lock the tissues in place and prevent fluid from building up beneath the skin. It’s a revolutionary approach and we’re thrilled that our patients can heal faster and have a more comfortable and safe recovery period. You might be wondering at this point why all plastic surgeons don’t use the no-drain tummy tuck technique if it’s available. First, it’s an advanced technique that requires a lot of skill and experience. Second of all, it takes more time in the operating room.
You should also avoid alcohol if you’re taking pain medication, and avoid any form of nicotine for at least six weeks. Smoking can hinder the healing process and may cause complications. You may need to sleep on an incline for the first few days after surgery. Keeping your upper body raised slightly with your knees bent at an angle can help reduce swelling.
Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a major surgical procedure which you should be prepared to spend a fair amount of time recovering from. Unlike lesser invasive procedures such as liposuction, abdominoplasty generally involves removal of fat and skin, in addition to tightening of the abdominal wall muscles.
It is important not to wait until the pain is unbearable as doing so may slow down the recovery process. You may also want to quit smoking to help speed up the recovery. The outcome of the tummy tuck surgery is that you will have a more defined and contoured figure than what you had prior to the tummy tuck procedure. This figure will most likely be more youthful looking as well.
A tummy tuck operation, otherwise known as an abdominoplasty, focuses on making the abdomen of the individual lean and flat. This is done by extracting the sagging and loose skin and tissue that is prevalent in the region. Ideally, the patient should have loose skin instead of an abdomen that is full and paunchy with fat cells. This means that the individual needs to lose weight first before an effective abdominoplasty can be performed.
The incision will need to be protected for at least 4 days. Don’t walk upright during this time to allow the incision to heal without excessive strain. Additionally, make a point of taking deep breaths frequently while awake. Stay well hydrated always. Do not smoke, use any nicotine products like patches and if there are smokers in the household, ensure your room is well ventilated.
Only once they are removed can you have a shower. You’ll also need to wear an abdominal binder, known as a surgical compression garment, for approximately six weeks. The recovery for a tummy tuck can be quite extensive as muscle, fat and skin are removed and repositioned. Therefore, it’s important to find out as much information as you can before undergoing the procedure. The above are just some of the general things you need to know about the tummy tuck recovery process, but your surgeon will be able to give you a more accurate idea of what to expect.
This is the reason why a lot of patients who want an abdominoplasty are those who have already undergone liposuction or have lost significant weight. Swelling is a natural occurrence after the surgery. Patients will be advised by their doctors regarding what to expect afterwards as well as how to handle these side effects.