Benefits And Risks

liposuction risksIn many instances, the removal of the problem manifests an immediate positive response. The vacuuming of the fatty cells also gives the surgeon the ability to shape the patient's body into what is perceived as desirable. Immediately after the operation, the patient will notice a definite shape to the area that has undergone the procedure.

Include proteins as a fundamental part of your non surgical liposuction risks strategy. Lean meats and beans are excellent sources. Proteins helps you to develop and repair muscle mass. It's also rapidly burned by your physique. Your ultimate goal should be about one g of proteins for every pound you weigh. Adding a lot of fiber to your diet might have results in the success of your non surgical liposuction risks program. In addition to preventing unpleasant bowel problems, additionally, it improves the system's ability to balance itself via regular bowel motions.

At our Hawaii clinic we have complete safety equipment as in any hospital and qualified staff to handle any emergency. Queens Hospital is located nearby. One very important part to agreeing to this procedure is to understand the risks involved before having liposuction. It is important because, certain complications are unavoidable in a very small percentage of patients and rare. Liposuction is generally considered a safe procedure with minimal risk.

Another benefit to this method of liposuction is the fact that the tumescent method is considered almost a bloodless surgery because patients lose very little blood during the procedure. Liposuction surgical methods continue to evolve to create a surgery that is safe, effective, and controlled. Even as the tumescent method made strides in lipo safety, other methods are also available that take advantage of more modern technology including laser lipo and power assisted techniques. Laser lipo works by treating the area with a local anesthesia to numb it and inflate it.

Shock and blood dilution can occur after a patient has had excessive amounts of fluid injected and then excessive amounts of fat and body fluid removed (over 5,000 ccs or about approximately 11 pounds). Large volume liposuction should be considered carefully. It is generally not recommended. However there are surgeons that specialize in it. Full Thickness Skin Necrosis is death of the affected skin. This complication can result from excess superficial liposuction that injures the vascular supply of the overlying skin. Bruising occurs often following the procedure of liposuction.

When it comes to liposuction, it can be very dangerous to try and undertake too much change at once. You should not have more than one liposuction procedure performed at a time, and you should not try to remove too much fat at once. A good doctor will advise you against this and schedule separate surgeries, if it is necessary to do so. Here are some other possible risks of liposuction that you should be aware of and may want to discuss during your consultation.

In the course of the procedure, fat is broken down and sucked out through the tube attached to the cannula by applying high pressure vacuum. This may lead to pain, scars and discomfort. In laser liposuction treatment using the latest Smartlipo Triplex workstation, excess body fat is liquefied with the help of laser waves. The dissolved fat is then drained through a tiny incision.

Prior to liposuction, the surgeon will give you complete pre-op and post-op instructions that should be reviewed in depth. These instructions will help to ensure that the procedure runs smoothly and there are no complications. If you are a smoker, it’s important to stop. Smoking interferes with your healing process and you will be asked to give it up for about a month before the surgery. Smoking also decreases your vitamin C levels, which are critical for your body to heal. Before surgery, it’s to your advantage to be very hydrated.

The finding means liposuction is no substitute for weight loss produced by diet and exercise, he said. Liposuction is performed on nearly 400,000 people in the United States each year, making it the most common cosmetic operation in the country. Because the risk of heart disease and diabetes is tied to the amount of body fat a person carries, some doctors had suggested that liposuction might reduce those risks.

liposuction risks

Toxicity from Anesthesia. Lidocaine, a drug that numbs the skin, is frequently used as a local anesthetic during liposuction. You may have had a similar drug, Novocaine, to numb your mouth at the dentist. Large volumes of liquid with lidocaine may be injected during liposuction. This may result in very high doses of lidocaine.


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