7 Tips For Fast Tummy Tuck Recovery

liposuction recoveryIt’s advisable to set aside at least a week away from work following your tummy tuck in order to dedicate yourself to recovery. Some may not feel up to returning to work after a week, but most, unless they perform the most physically demanding jobs, can safely do so. If you’re able to set aside two weeks, that’s all the better.

For another thing, it gets you in the habit of being active so that you’ll be ready to go back to the gym when it’s time. Exercise not only helps you maintain your weight and keep the remaining fat cells from enlarging after liposuction. It can also help you avoid something known as compensatory fat gain.

Plastic surgeon Dr. A. Dean Jabs may advice you to avoid exercise and take a couple of weeks off from work to recover from bruising, pain and swelling. The duration of recovery process takes a longer or shorter period depending on the number of liposuction procedures taken by patient at Bethesda, MD at one time.

In most cases, pain medication should be taken with food to prevent nausea. You will also be prescribed antibiotics. It is imperative that you take these as prescribed as well in order to prevent infection. As always, I prefer that my patients have someone with them for a few days after surgery. It’s great to pamper yourself too. For a little more information about how to treat yourself well after surgery, see my blog post about recovery. Just remember after all the healing is done, you will feel great about your body and be happy you followed instructions.

Wear your pressure garment! Liposuction inflammation occurs from the surgery and because of the tumescent fluids the cosmetic surgeon injects into you to soften your fat for removal. If you drink caffeine drinks or diet sodas, you cut down the circulation to the surgical area and it takes much longer for your swelling to go down.

This pain might also prevent you from carrying on with your daily life and you should expect to leave three days to a week of recovery time taken off of work. Side effects can include swelling, bruising, numbness and in some cases permanent scars which you should consider before having the procedure. As with any surgical procedures there are also inherent risk factors and potential complications. There have for instance been some cases of death resulting from liposuction though these are not fully understood.

Will I Be on Medication After the Procedure? Most patients are only required to take antibiotics after the operation in order to prevent infections from occurring. In some rare cases, patients may require pain medication. The liposuction procedure is convenient for most people because they will only be out of work for one or two days. A majority of our patients return to work the next day. You can return to normal activity in just a few days after your liposuction procedure.

You may have prepared for the liposuction procedure from the cost and what to expect about the surgery itself, but have you made arrangements for the post-management care? Here are the things you may need to anticipate and plan during your liposuction recovery time. After the liposuction procedure, your surgeon and operating nurse will monitor and observe your overall general condition, so you can expect to remain in the recovery room for quite some time. Expect that compression bandages and garments fit the body part targeted by liposuction.

Swelling takes more time to subside, and it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. When the swelling is completely gone, the recovery process is completed and the surgery results will finally be visible. The skin also needs time to tighten over the area that used to host fat, and this remodeling process is usually finished in six months. The recovery period depends largely on the extent of the operation.

liposuction recovery
Benefits include increased blood flow and quicker recovery times. At the very minimum, you will be taking short walks each night in order to keep blood flowing. Laying in bed for long periods of time during the day and not participating in any physical activity puts you at risk for blood clots. One of the many benefits of liposuction is a kick start of your metabolism. You should be able to continue to lose weight during the 4-6 week liposuction recovery period. We hope this has enlightened you about the recovery process and how safe and simple the liposuction procedure is.


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